Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials Starter Kit

4.2 5 0 86 86 Skinlycious, an acne-fighting family of gentle products that have been refined after eight years of research and development, specially for acne sufferers of all ages and skin types. The starter kit includes: <br> <br><b>Calming Cleanser</b> <br>Reduces breakouts while ridding skin of daily grime, impurities and dead skin cells without leaving it dry or irritated.<br> <br><b>Glow Exfoliant</b> <br>Breaks down pimples, blackheads, cystic acne and exfoliates built-up layers of dead skin cells to reveal a smoother glowing complexion underneath.<br> <br><b>Hydrating Serum</b> <br>Hydrates without clogging pores, regulates oil/sebum production, reduces fine lines.<br> <br><b>Clarifying Serum</b> <br>Gently reduces blemishes/bumps, reduces redness and appearance of large pores, lightens post-acne marks.
Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials Starter Kit


Improve skin destiny
Using this essentials giving me consistant skin care routine.
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Sangat puat hati Berkesan
Sangat berkesan untuk kulit saya TQ. Harap harga berpatutan and mampu milik
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Segar dan bebas jerawat
Kulit terasa lebih segar. Jerawat pon terbantut nak tumbuh.
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Helps to clean acne and breakouts
I enjoyed the range of products within the kit, definitely a good variety to try from the brand. However, some products were too drying for my sensitive skin like the cleanser, but certain items like the serums helped a lot to improve my breakouts, and minimised redness and inflammation. Give the serums a try!
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Superb product!!!!!!
Really thankful that #Hometesterclub choose me as one of the candidate to try this product. No irritation at all. Reduces my acne just within few days. And now all my acne gone. This product is my life saver.
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treatments, safe, light
Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials is not just acne treatments but products like sun care that are safe to use.
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lembut,bersih dan ringan
kulit jadi lembut,bersih dan ringan selepas pakai produk ini
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Mengembalikan seri wajah
Skinlycious clear skin essentials starter kit amat mudah digunakan dan sesuai untuk kulit yang berminyak.Ianya dapat mengembalikan seri wajah anda.
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earlier use my skin a little bit itchy.
Effectively for acne skin and smoothen my skin after using it
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Produk ini bagus untuk kulit normal dan tidak sensitif.
Produk ini bagus untuk kulit normal dan berminyak. Namun tidak sesuai bagi kulit yang kering dan sensitif. Saya mengalami iritasi selepas 5hari penggunaan siang dan malam. Tetapi, kulit kering saya dapat dipulihkan sehingga 50%. Bila terjadinya iritasi kemerahan di kedua belah pipi dan menyebabkan rasa sedikit nyilu saya terpaksa menghentikan penggunaan produk ini. Akan tetapi saya tetap akan menyesyorkan kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai kulit normal dan berminyak.
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Sesuai untuk semua....
Berkesan untuk memudarkan jerawat. Boleh digunakan oleh semua
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Acne-free wonders! Definate clear and spotless skin
My 16 years old son used this daily for 2 weeks and it works wonders! It removes acne, acne spots, brightens the skin, and remove excessive oil on his skin. Those with acne problem should try this!
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parut jerawat hilang menjadikan kulit lebih licin
Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials Starter Kit menyebabkan parut jerawat di muka hilang sedikit demi sedikit.
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My face suddenly got to many pimples, and become very dry.
Suddenly my face have many pimples and it's hurt. My skin also become very dry. I stop using the product on 6th day, and now i need to calm my skin first.
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Skinlycious review by oily and scne skin person.
The cleanser is for me is too soft. For oily skin like me, i still feel my skin is kindda dirty after the wash. The Glow Exfoliant is so gentle. Even it is a chemical exfoliant, its doesnt feel burning or hash. And it feel like and refreshing. Its really good one. The hydrating serum is so good for oily skin like me. Its very light but u can feel the hydrate. Just nice The clarifying serum, i dont know what it’s purpose. Haha sorry Overall, I’ve only been using this products for about a week. Nothing much difference i can notice. But i can guarantee that no pimple pop out when I started using this product. Good job! Maybe i just need more time to see changes since my skin is really bad. Anyway, you guys should give it a try and be your holy grail. As for me, i love the hydrating serum
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