Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials Starter Kit

4.2 5 0 86 86 Skinlycious, an acne-fighting family of gentle products that have been refined after eight years of research and development, specially for acne sufferers of all ages and skin types. The starter kit includes: <br> <br><b>Calming Cleanser</b> <br>Reduces breakouts while ridding skin of daily grime, impurities and dead skin cells without leaving it dry or irritated.<br> <br><b>Glow Exfoliant</b> <br>Breaks down pimples, blackheads, cystic acne and exfoliates built-up layers of dead skin cells to reveal a smoother glowing complexion underneath.<br> <br><b>Hydrating Serum</b> <br>Hydrates without clogging pores, regulates oil/sebum production, reduces fine lines.<br> <br><b>Clarifying Serum</b> <br>Gently reduces blemishes/bumps, reduces redness and appearance of large pores, lightens post-acne marks.
Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials Starter Kit


Sangat sesuai digunakan kerana dapat memberi kecantikan
Skinlycious Clear Skin Essential Starter Kit sangat berkesan untuk saya yang mempunyai kulit berminyak dan parut jerawat. Produk ini membantu memudarkan parut jerawat dan melembutkan lagi kulit muka saya. Bukan itu sahaja, produk ini juga membantu saya dari mencegah sinaran matahari dan dapat mengekalkan kelembatan kulit muka apabila pakai produk ini. Skinlycious Clear Skin Essential Starter Kit sangat meyakinkan saya apabila bertemu dengan kawan dan orang luar kerana telah mempunyai kulit muka yang diidamkan oleh setiap wanita. Seterusnya produk ini membantu saya dalam mengatasi masalah kulit kering dan berjeragat.
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Skinlycious clear skin essential
Pertama kali cuba, rasa kulit lebih fresh dan segar
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Okay for starters...
Perlu digunakan dengan lebih lama lagi untuk hasil yang lebih baik
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Soya smell cleanser.
The smell of the cleanser is like soya which I like it very much. It won't get too dry and it clean effectively. The glow exfoliation I apply it on my ache marks and it does lighten it but won't lighten too much. The hydrating serum is not really that hydrating for my skin and so it is an average item for me same apply to the clarify serum. I recommend the cleanser and glow exfoliate. However , I think the serums doesn't suit me well
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Setelah mencuba saya rasakan kulit muka bertambah bersih
Saya telah mencuba set skinlycios clear skin essentials starter kit dan saya dapati set tersebut sangat sesuai dengan keadaan kulit muka saya. Jadi saya akan terus menggunakannya
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使用後皮膚沒有這麼油膩 能看到毛孔有縮小一些 斑點淡化了一些
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Significantly Good! My 15yo daughter loves it!
Received the trial set and asked my 15yo daughter to give it a try. She has acne and scar skin problems. On the 3rd day i can see her skin is getting better. Then on the 7th day she asked me to buy the big set for her. Her skin looks fresher and more radiant than before. All the scars has lightened and she said she loves the products because its gentle and got no itchy or any after feelings at all. Honestly quite surprise because her skin is quite sensitive with products before. I think i will continue to buy this product for her.
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Berkesan melicinkan kulit.
Skinlycious Clear Skin Essentials Starter Kit telah membantu saya memulihkan kulit yang berjerawat dan mengurangkan parut jerawat.
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For healthier skin from within.
My daughter’s skin has become clearer and more radiant. Her acne appears less than before.
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Try and see the results for yourself!
Good product. Results may vary depending on the individual but worth trying.
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New product suitable for teenagers
The product does not suit with my skin. It doesn't show the end result as i would expected. But it's not a bad product. It just does not do anything for me personally.
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Menyegarkan kulit muka
Sepanjang penggunaan skinlycious clear skin essentials kulit muka kelihatan makin glowing..parut jerawat semakin pudar..kulit kusam makin kurang jerawat kurang..
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Not sticky when apply on my face
减少了痘痘疤……我会继续使用… 也有提亮效果……总体来说还不错… 会介绍给家人朋友购买来试试的☺️…
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脸部很干净 产品不油腻 味道可以接受 豆豆比较少 我很满意
脸部很干净 产品不油腻 味道可以接受 豆豆比较少 我很满意 脸部很干净 产品不油腻 味道可以接受 豆豆比较少 我很满意
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