NATURIE Hatomugi Skin Conditioner Lotion

4.6 5 0 313 313 Made in Japan, NATURIE Hatomugi Skin Conditioner Lotion enhances the permeability of your skincare and effectiveness of your skincare. It is specially formulated to target various kinds of skin problems, such as loosen pores, fine lines, and skin aging. It contains adlay which is enriched with Vitamin B1 and B2 helps clear acne and improves the problem of uneven skin tone.
NATURIE Hatomugi Skin Conditioner Lotion


Underrated toner
Big volume, cheap price, very effective and it contains very good ingredients. My skin is acne prone, and big pores. This toner helps to minimise the appearance of my pores, calming my skin, reduce acne scars, moisturise skin, does not cause breakout.
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Tidak sesuai dengan kulit saya
Saya berikan 3 bintang untuk Naturie Hatomugi Skin Conditioner.
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Lembut lembap dan licin
Selepas menggunakan naturie hatomugi skin conditioner lotion pada kulit wajah saya beberapa minggu kini wajah saya berseri dan lembut.dulu wajah saya kusam dan bejerawat.selepas menggunakan lotion ni wajah saya kini licin dan tidak lagi berjerawat..Kulit wajah saya juga kini lembap dan tidak lagi kering dan sensitif.saya suka dengan produk ini
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The product is reached in good
The product is reached in good condition. I like it so much as it suits my need. The quality of the product is utmostly good. The packing is reliable enough to protect the product from any damage. In a nutshell, I'll recommend to my friends and family members. In short, I'm very satisfied with it.Tq
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Tidak sesuai dengan kulit saya
Saya telah memcuba pakai lotion tersebut. Selepas memcuba didapati ianya tidak sesuai dengan kulit saya menyebabkan kulit muka saya naik jerawat dan menjadi kering.
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Produk sangat bagus
Best sangat selepas gunakan hatomugi skin conditioner lotion ni..saya gunakan sebelum mekap ..jadi mudah untuk mekap..kulit muka sangat terbaik...boleh terus gunakan produk naturie hatomugi skin conditioner lotion selepas ini
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cepat menyerap..menyegarkan
sangat bagis..malah saya suka kerna mudah menyerap..menyegarkan wajah.. terbaik
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Skin appear brighter & glowing
After I apply the product, my skin appear brighter and glowing! It absorb into my skin and feels like skin like. I use it as face mist whenever my skin feels dry. that really helps alot to keep my skin hydrated.
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Fast absorption & gentle
Absorps really fast on my skin, leave no residue, gentle on my skin as well, non-sticky effect after apply, simply put in a spray bottle then you go with a powerful face mist to hydrate the drought on your face. I have super dry skin condition and always flaky as it gets dry easily because I sweat a lot, left with no moisture. But, after using this lotion, i have no worries on the dryness of my skin. My skin become plumpier and bouncy.
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Very awesome
This product is very good and quality but not ok to my skin
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Hatomugi skin care terbaik
Saya sangat puas hati dgn hatomugi kerana kulit saya sgt lembut Dan tidak lg Kering, sy sgt gembira Dan akan terus guna naturie hatomugi skin conditioner lotion
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tekstur yang ringan
teksturnya yang ringan dan lembut cepat meresap ke kulit dan menjadikan kulit lebih lembut..bileh juga digunakan sebagai toner masker muka dan face mist..sangat sesuai dengan saya.
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Watery and light texture.
This skin conditioner lotion has watery texture make it easy to absorb to my skin. My skin will not dry after using this even i didn't apply any moisturiser after it. There's also no bad effect to my skin with this lotion.
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Nature hatomugi skin conditioner lotion sangat sesuai utk kulit saya..tq home tester club utk percubaan ini
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It prevents my skin from dry
It keeps my skin hydrated and I recommend to those who have dry skin. It's really worth it with the price
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