MAGGI® Instant Mi Goreng

4.5 5 0 529 529 MAGGI® Mi Goreng, a true inspiration of Malaysians’ love for sambal and chilies.
MAGGI<sup>®</sup> Instant Mi Goreng


too spicy
my family like it , will buy it, is good for me...
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Spicy, Memorable, Tasty
Maggi Mi Goreng Sambal Tumis Bilis is very good, it taste like you eating maggi with the taste of sambal nasi lemak, meanwhile the cili kampung is my favourite. The spicy, the taste is very delicious
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Good Taste
Very nice and fresh taste! Tasty and yummy! Noodles also very nice!
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Sedap dan berkualiti
Saya berasa meggie ni sangat sedap dan berkualiti. Kalau boleh buat pedas sedikit barulah rasa masakan melayu asli.. Dan letak kan sedikit cili yang lebih sedap..
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I like spicy
This two new flavor is worth to try as its suit Malaysian so much. Thanks for giving me a chance to try it.
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Sedap dan sungguh menyelerakan..
Sesuai dengan citarasa rakyat malaysia..yang Gemarkan Pedas Serta Tidak Beberapa masin...
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Rasa dia pedas manis menyelerakan
Sambal bilis tumis dab sambal cili kampung rasanya berlainan sikit macam sambal bilis tumis rasanya masin ikan bilis dan sambal cili kampung terasa pedas manis.. kedua2nya sedap dan kena dengan selera saya
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Hot, marvelous, smoky....
Its really really awesome... Everyone should try these type of variation MAGGI brand...
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Delicious, yummy and easy to prepare.
The noodles is chewy and the taste is remind me when I eat mee goreng at my kampung.
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great infusion taste
Really love the sambal taste which it has the taste on its own way and brilliantly infusing it in instant noodles. great combination! and now craving for this
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Sedap walaupun pedas
Maggi Mi Goreng Sambal Tumis Bilis memang betul-betul rasa ikan bilis. Mi Goreng Cili Kampung pula agak pedas. Tali kedua-duanya sedap. Berbeza dengan mi goreng segera yang lain
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awesome, thumbs up, powerfull
definitely a great choice of meal to eat when you are hungry and need something that make your satisfaction that totally make you feel worth it and yummy for your tummy.
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Tersangat sangat sedap
Perasa baru yang sangat sedap. Saya dan family suka sangat². Tidak Terlalu pedas.
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rasa menggamit memori
Both flavours have the familiar taste of Malaysian food. I offered to my mom and younger sister and they love it especially my mom. She loves it. However, i like it more spicy so i mixed maggie mi goreng sambal tumis bilis with maggie pedas giler tom yumzz, the taste will blow ur mind because it was so delicious. I already make a second purchased for both flavours plus maggie pedas giler tom yumzz. Thank u for letting me be the tester. I enjoyed it😄
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