Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder

4.6 5 0 432 432 Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder contains 100% pure organic extract without any auxiliary material. This premium organic pearl coix extract product reduces melanin and whitens skin naturally. Pearl coix extract powder was traditionally used for eliminating water retention and treating skin diseases like acne and swellings. You can either take 2 spoons of it directly. Or it’ll taste more delicious if you put it into coffee, tea, milk or other favorite beverages.
Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder


Nice and taste good product
Super love the taste for this product and easy to consume can mix with other beverage and strongly recommend for those who looking for hydration skin or moisture skin.. Consume in long term will reflect the result 5
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Sangat terbaik
Fine organix pearl coix exract powder sangat berguna
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Memang terrrbaikkk
Saya dah cuba dan rasa sangat puas hati kerana bukan sahaja dpt membantu memulihkan kadar kesihatan saya, ttp juga dpt mencerahkn kulit saya.. dan yg paling bestnya rekahan pd tapak kaki saya berkurangan 🥰 terima kasih home tester club sbb memberi peluang pd saya mencuba fine japan organic pearl coix extract powder.. barang baik harus dipuji 🥰
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Rahsia Kesihatan dan Kejelitaan
Makanan tambahan yang serba lengkap bagi rahsia kejelitaan dan kesihatan tubuh badan. Selain itu, kandungan Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder dijamin halal dan selamat sebagai makanan tambahan yang menyihatkan dan memberikan kesan memutihkan, mencerahkan dan melembabkan kulit walaupun dengan sekali percubaan. Tiada keraguan terhadap produk ini. Saya amat menyukai dan akan teruskan mengambilnya sebagai makanan tambahan untuk saya dan keluarga saya.
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melembabkan kulit dan badan terasa Segar
Rasa yg sedap,diminum begitu saja dengan cara panas atau sejuk serta saya campurkan kedalam coffee saya juga. Saya akan teruskan dengan Fine Japan Organic Pearl
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"Uneasy? NO MORE!"
Rasa yg sedap. Mudah diambil. Kesan yg baik. Gandingan terbaik bersama serum kegemaran saya. Saya lebih yakin dengan perubahan yang baik selepas pengambilan Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder selama 30 hari.
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Sedap, cerah, terbaik
Rasa yang sedap.. Juga mudah untuk di bancuh.. Ia membuat kulit saya bertambah cantik.. Dn juga melawaskan pehadaman
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Memuaskan 5 bintang saya bagi dan boleh lagi meningkatkan produk
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Perfect for health
Perfect for body and skin. The teste is delicious and it is all natural.
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Good. Delicious. Effective.
The Pearl powder is very good. I love consuming it in the morning and it definitely improves my skin. Love!
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Healthy, radiant and good
Overall the Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder are the best. the taste, texture and aroma were acceptable, easily to consume early in the morning with hot chocolate . a week after, my skin become soft and radiant. I feel more energize furthermore after minor operation. thank you introduce me with Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder. special allocation budget monthly for Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Extract Powder
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Maaf, Tiada kesan untuk saya
Maaf. Tiada kesan ketara untuk saya. Lain badan lain keperluan. Mungkin tidak sesuai untuk saya.
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Tasty and easy
Love the taste just wonder if can mixed it with hot water. Overall satisfied with this product as it help with my bloating problem. As for skin there nothing much maybe i should consistent with another bottle. Btw thank you home tester for this best product.
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Good for health
Tried Fine Japan Organic Pearl Coix Exteact Powder for 1month. In the first week surprisingly i feels my bowel movement changed.As before i got problem going but now no more constipation. On the third week there is a changes on my skin.My skin complexion are much better! Skin feels more moist! Thank you so much!
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