Cadbury Dairy Milk Chipsmore!

4.5 5 0 85 85 What can be better than a combination of chocolate and cookies? Try this unique experience of taste and textures with the new Cadbury Dairy Milk Chispmore! The brand’s latest confection seeks to excite both chocolate and cookie fans by combining the best of both snacks – smooth chocolate of Cadbury Dairy Milk and chunky choc-chip Chipsmore! Cookie.
Cadbury Dairy Milk Chipsmore!


Cadbury Dairy Milk Chispmore
unique experience of taste and textures with the new Cadbury Dairy Milk Chispmore
Crunchy chips
My kids love to bring this to school for snack..They like the chuncheness and the mix of choclate chips.
Sedap sangattt-sangattt !!
Coklat manis yang ngam sangat tekak! Tak terlalu manis & melt sekali dengan chipsmore
taste sweet
it taste a bit too sweet for me. this combination is good, at least it have something to bite which different from nut.
Nice combination
Mula-mula beli untuk cuba-cuba saja. Sekali sedap pulak. Sebab chipsmore tu ada rasa macam dark chocolate sikit, combine dengan Cadbury yang manis. Boleh la makan sekali sekala. Lagi sedap kalau dia lembut sikit, biarkan dalam room temperature sekejap baru makan. Kalau keras2 tak rasa apa. Lol
Try this if you wish to get diabetics
Worse combo ever but since just for a first time attempt this can be acceptable but never combine with another sweet cookie because chocolate + cookie gonna taste more sweet and the more you eat will make you feel fed up of this. Bought one whole big bar and wasnt able to finish it due its level of sweetness. Prefer the one with the Oreo instead. That was decent.
Tastes good
As for me this tastes food. Can taste the chocolate and the chocolate chips. Just wow. Never regret buying this. Can finish it in just once eat by the time. Good job.
100% excellent
Wahh sapa yang create combination ni memang terbaiklah. Serius sedap. Chipsmore ni bagi taekture crunchy kat cadbury ni. Perfect sgt. Tak sama macam crunchy nut, sbb chipsmore ni rasa manis. I like it
Gabungan Coklat dan chipmores membuatkan coklat ni jadi tak muak dan sedap.Best bila gigit tu terasa biskut chipmores.Harga setanding kualiti.Akan beli lagi.
Best sbb rasa cookies ddlm coklat. Combination antara coklat n cookies mmg xbole nafi padu 👍👍👍👍
Good choice to share with colleagues
I love the combination, chocolate with some crunches. I would love to buy this again. But if it's less sweet, I would eat more often.
dairy milk chipsmoree
good snack..i love the texture of chocolate combine with chipsmore..
Memang lazat. Crunchy. Saya suka. Rasa chipsmore dan coklat memang kombinasi yang sesuai.
Best combination
Who would not love the best combination of 2 famous sweet snacks of all time? Chips more and Cadbury! For each bite, it has this brilliant crunch on the cookie and soft chocolate at the same time. As a fan of Cadbury myself this is one of my favorite snack of all.
Omg i love this so much! I bought it so many times already. Im a fan of cadbury that has cookies in it like black forest and cadbury come out with chipsmore which is mu favourite biscuit! Tried it and love it! Chipsmore is crunchy

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