BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken

4.5 5 0 331 331 BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken are a natural food that is high in protein to help build and repair body tissues. Suitable for your whole family and for those who wants to reduce tiredness, improve concentration, improve immunity, improve mental stamina and for physical performance.
BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken


sedap, cepat, bertenaga
suka perisa coklat, memang sedap sangat, bagi tenaga dengan cara yang cepat, perisa lain saya kurang gemar sebab rasa dan bau yang agak kurang menyenangkan.
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Happy Healthy Life is Back!
Do you know why BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken is always my trustable brand? Not only BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken is good for my health. Most importantly BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken is fat free, cholesterol free and high in protein. My work requires full attention and this makes me extremely exhausted everyday after work. Anyway after consuming BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for few days, I can feel the difference! No more tiredness! But full of energy! No more dozing off in couch without myself realising it! But playground is the place that I spend time with my family members after work! The quality of my life has improved so much after taking BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken. Thank you BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for bringing me back to my young age time. #freeproduct from #hometesterclub
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increase mind concentration
This essence of chicken is the best product I ever consume and it helps with mind mapping on daily work
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Energetic, taste good
I’m drinking the original flavor, the taste was good. Makes me feel more energetic and more concentration especially when not enough sleep.
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Sedap Dan sihat
Saya amat mensyorkan pati ayam brand ini selepas mencuba.
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Better concentration & energetic
After consuming this product, I feel focus and energetic.
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energetic easy to drink
The best essence of chicken from all the different brands that I drank before.
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doesn't taste good
Bagi saya ianya berbau kurang menyenangkan dan kurang sedap. Mungkin dengan menambah pati buah-buahan ianya boleh menambah kecenderungan untuk meminumnya.
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For energy...stamina....
Saya suka sebab sedap....dan bila kita keletihan....kita minumlah BRAND'S Essence sebab dia bg kita cergas..badan tidak letih....tidak rasa mengantuk kala di waktu pagi...
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Energize nice taste
Like Brand's essence chicken, the taste is nice and feel energy after consume it. Would like to taste other flavours too.
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Kekal Cergas Bertenaga
BRANDS Sari Pati Ayam merupakan sumber tenaga segera yang membantu kehidupan aktif seharian. Ianya membantu mengekalkan fokus dan tenaga dalam menjalankan tugasan. Terima kasih BRANDS!!!
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Performance, alert, energy booster.
I received 2 versions of this product - light aroma & chocolate. Among the 2 i would prefer the light aroma version. The chocolate version taste is not to my liking since i find the taste of chocolate version kind of odd & doesn’t really suitable for essence of chicken. The light aroma version is good for those who don’t like strong chicken smells. In terms of effectiveness, both are good in boosting your daily energy
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Provide energization
Brand Essence of chicken really help me in my daily activities.It provide the energazation in my work and i will feel more concentration.
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Daily energising essence
Firstly, Brand’s is a reputable brand in the market and I have no doubts on the product quality. The Brand’s essence of chicken is for sure my daily energising drinks. This is much more healthier than the energy drinks in my view. I consumed one bottle in the morning and I didn’t yawn as much as I did before the regular consumption of Brand’s essence of chicken. I like taking the chicken essence in warm state and you could also drink it in room temperature. I was concerned on the strong smell at first but I was proven wrong! It didn’t had strong smell which may potentially cause any discomfort. Apart from consuming it directly, I also used this Brand’s essence of chicken to braise the chicken with mushroom. One bottle is perfect for one chicken thigh and if bolder flavour is preferred, two bottles of chicken essence could be considered. Overall, I’m pleased with the product trial and I will continue to take it to improve my health and immunity.
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