HAAGEN-DAZS 紅桑子脆皮雪糕批

5 5 0 1 1 Häagen-Dazs脆皮雪糕批充滿了豐富的美味,入口即品眾多口味的高質量材料,令人回味無窮。輕咬一口,您就會愛上它。現在就來品嘗這款比利時朱古力脆皮、由內到外層次豐富,讓你每口都充滿驚喜的雪糕批吧!
HAAGEN-DAZS 紅桑子脆皮雪糕批


crunchy and nice
I love this flavor of haagen-dazs ice cream, the raspberry chocolate crust was crunchy with nuts, the ice cream inside was filled with raspberry jam and small pieces if raspberry. My mom said this is too sour but I like the sour taste as it can balance the sweet taste of the ice cream.
