Tire-lait une pièce en silicone Dr. Brown's

4,8 5 0 29 29 Fini le gaspillage de lait maternel ! Le Dr. Brown's™ Silicone One-Piece Breast Pump utilise une aspiration douce et mains libres pour recueillir et conserver chaque dernière goutte. Utilisant une aspiration douce pour extraire le lait, le tire-lait en silicone une pièce est votre compagnon silencieux pour récupérer les fuites de lait pendant l'allaitement. Il suffit de le placer sur votre sein, de presser une fois la base du tire-lait pour créer une aspiration douce et de le laisser travailler. C'est la collecte de lait en mains libres ! Le matériau 100 % silicone est doux pour la peau et s'adapte aux seins de toutes formes et tailles. Grâce à sa conception facile à verser, vous pouvez transférer votre lait maternel dans le biberon Dr. Browns inclus et le conserver à l'aide du bouchon de rangement sécurisé, sans perdre une seule goutte.
Tire-lait une pièce en silicone Dr. Brown's


Must have when nursing
I wish i had this when with my first child.. it’s so easy to use, very handy.. and love that I can save the milk or give it to baby if she’s not satirsfied.. and it also helped me to boost my milk supply.
Must have
Its affordable and so easy to use one of my favorite purchases
Wish I had one of these for my first 2 babies!
Fantastic product! Currently using it while feeding my 3 month old. I love that I can save the milk rather than it getting absorbed into a breast pad.
Bien aimé !
J’ai adoré utiliser cet article lors de mon allaitement. Cet article m’a éviter de gaspiller mon lait. Et celles qui allaitent savent à quel point notre lait est précieux les premiers jours !
I’d get one again
I honestly would get one again if I were to become pregnant ever again ! Super simple and easy
Great help
This was a very helpful thing for me is having a hard time sucking my nipple
Best product to try
Absolutely amazing. I am in love with the breast milk catcher, you suction it on your breast your not feeding or pumping out of and it will collect a bunch of milk, but watch out, it fills quickly!
I loved these
This pump was so wonderful to use!! It was much more convenient then a full pump and so much easier to clean. I will be buying another one with this baby.
Big help
It's easy to use and clean. It should be the first thing in your hospital checklist
Each time I was breadtfeed my daughter my t-shirt was wet because I got too much milk. I bought this product and I really love it. Now each time I breastfeed my daughter my t-shirt is dry and I can freeze the extra milk.
We should all have this!!
I bought this for my first child and love who it was useful since the first week she was born. I really recommend that product for new mom doing breasfeeding. Must try!!!!!!!!!!
Extremely useful
Loved this, especially for the first weeks when your breast leak and want to effortlessly get a milk supply. Milk collector is super soft and bottle is perfect size for transportation and baby does not get colic. I even used as a pump while car travelling to bottle feed baby. It is a MUST for breastfeeding moms
Une merveille
Ce produit est un must! Il fait économiser temps et argent puisqu’il est très abordable. Nous pouvons tirer le lait d’un côté tout en allaitant de l’autre sein. Je recommande a toutes les mamans allaitantes!

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