HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Chocolate Chunk Brownie Light Ice Cream

4,5 5 0 61 61 Plongez votre cuillère dans la NOUVELLE crème glacée légère HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Morceaux de chocolat et brownies, tout simplement irrésistible. Ce régal glacé est composé de délicieuse crème glacée légère au chocolat, de morceaux de brownies et de morceaux de fondant au chocolat. Chaque bouchée de cette crème glacée faite au Canada avec des produits laitiers 100 % canadiens contient uniquement des ingrédients de haute qualité, sans arômes ni colorants artificiels. Pour d'autres gâteries allégées, essayez nos NOUVELLES crèmes glacées légères HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Vanille, caramel et bretzel et HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Gâteau au fromage aux framboises.
HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Chocolate Chunk Brownie Light Ice Cream


Best Low Calorie Ice Cream
Absolutely love it. Can’t tell the difference in taste even though this is a low calorie one. I think this is one of the best low calorie ice creams I have tried. I will recommend this to everyone.
I bought it because it was on sale and then I love this ice cream, it tastes like my grandma's brownie fudge. I love it the most because it melts in the mouth, doesn't unfreeze which is a big concern. But the price is a little high.
Made like no other
Overall this ice cream wasn't bad, could have used a bit more brownie pieces and chocolate, but it tasted good. It was smooth and creamy and didn't leave a bad after-taste in your mouth. It was not my favourite flavour though.
Worth a try
I love brownies and I love Häagen-Dazs so I thought this would be the perfect marriage! Overall I did find the brownie and chocolate flavour to be more subtle than I expected and the ice cream was overwhelmingly sweet instead. Not the best Haagen Dazs ice cream I’ve had but worth a try
Can’t tell the difference between this and full fat ice cream
Love it. For less calories and fat, I really can’t tell the difference in taste. I’ve tried all the different low cal ice creams out there and this is by far the best. I would totally recommend this to anyone especially if their on a diet.
Amazing Taste
I absolutely love this ice cream, it literally tastes just like brownie fudge. I love it the most because it melts in the mouth, doesn't unfreeze (which is a big concern), and keeps a great taste. It's just a bit on the pricier side.
Trop bon
Une vraie friandise glacée on goûte vraiment toute les saveurs et la crème glacée Haagen Dazz est l'une de mes meilleures super crémeuse et divinement bonne. Je recommande.
Honestly I thought I'd give it a try because why not on sale for 3.97 at Walmart. There was no funny aftertaste, could not even tell that it was light. My husband was a fan as well
Can't even tell it's less sugar and fat!
I was pleasantly surprised by the Divine Chocolate Chunk Brownie! I didn't even realize it was less sugar and fat - tastes just as good! The only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the chocolate. It was thin flakes and crunchy. The brownie was delicious though!
Best of the best!
I bought this because it was on sale and ended up being my favourite ice cream! Compared to other ice creams, this has the perfect balance of sweetness. I could eat and eat without feeling that too much sweetness taste. I stocked up on this the next day!
Heavenly Dessert
I loved Haagen Dazs. They are not overly sweet but loads of mouth feel with that velvet cream taste.
Divine is right!
I am an ice cream fanatic, but that is probably because I have a dairy allergy and life is funny like that. It makes me feel a bit better knowing it is lower on calories ;) Perfect for that time of the month.
Wonderful tasty don't have to say much my family love it and we do not leave the grocery store without buying at least one tub
Divine est le qualificatif tout désigné pour cette crème glacé d'exception, une fois le contenant ouvert il est très difficile de remettre le couvercle. C'est une explosion de goût le mélange crème glacé et brownies, définitivement un must pour l'été
Good but missing the brownie
The ice cream was good, not overly creamy or heavy but I was missing the "chunks". There were very small pieces of brownie and chocolate but you had to dig through the ice cream to find them.


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