HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Chocolate Chunk Brownie Light Ice Cream

4,5 5 0 61 61 Plongez votre cuillère dans la NOUVELLE crème glacée légère HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Morceaux de chocolat et brownies, tout simplement irrésistible. Ce régal glacé est composé de délicieuse crème glacée légère au chocolat, de morceaux de brownies et de morceaux de fondant au chocolat. Chaque bouchée de cette crème glacée faite au Canada avec des produits laitiers 100 % canadiens contient uniquement des ingrédients de haute qualité, sans arômes ni colorants artificiels. Pour d'autres gâteries allégées, essayez nos NOUVELLES crèmes glacées légères HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Vanille, caramel et bretzel et HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Gâteau au fromage aux framboises.
HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Chocolate Chunk Brownie Light Ice Cream


just right
sometimes companies make clams and just don't deliver but you can always trust Haagen Dazs Loved the flavor and wasn't too sweet while being nice and creamy
I loved this ice cream. So rich and creamy with bits of brownie and chunks of chocolate. It is a bit pricey, but so very worth every penny. We definitely will be buying this again.
Not much flavour
Overpriced icecream for the size of container. Was not overly creamy and did not satisfy my icecream craving.
perfect chocolate treat
Perfect chocolate treat to cool you down on a warm day . Delicious
The brownie chunks ruined it a little
Overall the ice cream was quite good. I personally just didn't like the dryness of the brownie bits in there because the texture didn't work that well.
Divine yes!
This chocolare chunk brownie flavour is on point. Indulgent, it help all the ice cream craving you could have. Sugary for sure, but with this flavour, we see that coming. This icy pleasure have a choice place in my summer time!
Le chocolat et brownies
Une de mes saveur préférée, le mélange du chocolat et du brownies est divin
HÄAGEN-DAZS Divine Chocolate Chunk Brownie Light Ice Cream is amazing. Makes me feel good about indulging in a frozen treat. Such a rich flavour for being light. Would definitely recommend!
Highly recommend
Really love it! It's the best out of all the low cal ice creams. I totally recommend it to anyone especially if they are on a diet.
very nice
Of course Haagen-Dazs knows how to make a good ice cream, so there is no doubt there. I liked that the ice cream was lower in calories than a normal bowl is. You can indulge a little more often when something is not going to throw a healthy diet off kilter. The flavour was very nice, and you would not know you are eating something a little healthier for you, than a full fat version.
Real ice cream taste
The only ice cream I have tasted that reminds me of days gone by
Very good!
I thought this product was very tasty! It was a bit sweet however. I would plan on buying this again, I think it would be better if it was a little less sweet. Other than that, I recommend!
Best ice cream
This is the best ice cream ever. I love everithing haagens dazs, so I kneew I had to trie this one. And I didn't regret, loved it.
My favourite
Light and tasty, I can have as much as I want!
My review
It's delicious! I love ice cream but not the real cheap ice cream. Ice cream makes your days or nites better. Reward for a good day! Lol! Love chewy caramel in ice cream so if u put more in that would be great!


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