Caledon Farms Tendersticks de boeuf

4,7 5 0 77 77 Pour les chiens âgés et les races plus petites, il n’y a pas de plus grand régal que nos Tendersticks de boeuf! Ils ont une texture douce qui est douce pour les dents et le ventre. Fabriqués à partir de poumon de bœuf 100% canadien, ces gâteries sont entièrement naturelles, sans conservateurs, additifs ou colorants artificiels. Nous recevons du poumon de bœuf nord-américain, le coupons en fines tranches et le faisons cuire lentement à la perfection pour en faire un régal riche en protéines, faible en gras et délicieux.
Caledon Farms Tendersticks de boeuf


Great treats
My dogs loves these and the beef liver bites they sell, I swear they put something addictive in them because my dogs can't get enough. Besides the price I don't have any issues with this brand.
Beef Tendersticks
My dogs are craving for these beef tendersticks. The only negative comment from me will be that they are quite expensive but hey, it's for my loving fur friends.
My Bernice mountain loved these along with our little pup Steve .
Dog Loves Them
These are one of the few dog treats my dog will eat. He never refuses one like he does with most everything else I have tried to get him to eat. He is an older dog but still eats these with ease.
My fusspot dogs
I have one dog, Kemah, that refuses to eat any beef so we don't buy a lot of beef dog treats. A package of this was given to us for our dogs. Our other dog Kandi absolutely loves this so we set it aside for special treats for her.
Bring black the nature to your dog !
My old dog had some difficulties to eat... But when he discovered those little wonders, he looked like a wolf chasing his prey ! He was so happy and so greatful that I think I now need to invest in the brand !
My dog loves them
Great product, my dog loves it! I put it in his orbee-tuff ball. Very great
The pup seems to enjoy these
My little doggy loves these. I have not ate them, but when she hears and sees what bag I am shaking, she gets excited and is at my feet in no time begging me for one. So as per my little pup, she gives these a 10/10. Taste good, easy to chew and break down into smaller pieces!
Beef dog treats
My dogs loved it.I would definitely buy this product again.
Great product
All 3 of my dogs absolutely loved thos product. I have dogs in all lifestages and it was great to see it was enjoyable for each age group!!
They love em
Both my dogs get a treat before bed so they go in their crate to get their treat and obviously bedtime that being said they love these treats and it makes me feel better knowing that they are having something that's not bad for them like a lot of the other treats that are out there that shouldn't be because of their ingredients so knowing what's in this and that it's not going to harm my pets essentially my family members makes a very very big difference
Loved it
My boy is a rottti and he enjoyed this very much I have bought this again after I knew that they agreed with my handsome boy
My small dog loves them.
My small dog loves these. I just break off the appropriate amount for him. Single ingredient
These treats are the best!
These treats are just the right size for a big dog and won’t make them overweight. My golden retriever Teddy just loves them and will show you all his tricks to get one!
These are like temptations for dogs
My dog is absolutely crazy for these treats he smells them all the way from upstairs I have a medium sized dog and he can't get enough. I love that they break easily to give him his desired amount. He looks like he's smiling after snacking on these


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