Band-Aid brand does put out the best bandaids and these do work the way they are intended, but, I prefer their others. The material used to adhere the bandaids is a pain to use. It's so thin, you get one attempt to put it on or if any of it sticks to itself, you pretty much have to get a new one. It takes a special process to apply it correctly and for a bandaid, that's not what I would want.
Avaliações por: matt
Band-aid® Brand Waterproof 60CT Assorted
Band-Aid brand does put out the best bandaids and these do work the way they are intended, but, I prefer their others. The material used to adhere the bandaids is a pain to use. It's so thin, you get one attempt to put it on or if any of it sticks to itself, you pretty much have to get a new one. It takes a special process to apply it correctly and for a bandaid, that's not what I would want.