Uncle Tobys Traditional Rolled Oats

4.9 5 0 144 144 As nature's supergrain, traditional oats provide a natural source of energy along with a great taste. They are also rich in beta-glucan, which helps to naturally lower cholesterol re-absorption, high in wholegrain and are a source of Protein & Fibre.
Uncle Tobys Traditional Rolled Oats


Overnight oats
These oats are great to use for overnight oats, they have a creamy texture. Add these to some milk, yoghurt, honey, chia seeds and fruit of your choice for a filling yummy breakfast to go.
Quick easy and delicious
This is a staple in our household for breakfast or for baking. Highly recommend
Quick Breakfast
These oats are a lovely warm breakfast. We add brown sugar to them to sweeten them. They are nutritious and fill the children's tummies before school. Highly recommend this yummy breakfast.
The best oats
Uncle Toby's oats are the best. Perfect in baking or for breakfast on cool winter mornings with honey, milk and fruit such as banana or berries. I make on either water or milk. Yum.
Best on the market
Love love love Uncle Toby traditional oats. Makes the best porridge the traditional way on the stove top and the most perfect ANZAC cookies! Love to add grated carrot and apple, along with cinnamon, walnuts and sultanas for a delicious carrot cake flavoured healthy breakfast. Highly recommend these oats and carrot cake breakfast
always a classic favourite
always will be a favourite for breakfast! uncle tobys are the best, love oats
Uncle Tobys oats have been a staple in our home for many years. They are great on a cold morning with a little honey or brown sugar. They cook nicely in the microwave if you want them fast. They aren’t overly starchy and are great for baking things like Anzac biscuits and oat muffins.
Uncle Toby oats
Quick and easy to make , great texture and flavour
Uncle Tobys Traditional Rolled Oats
Uncle Tobys Traditional Rolled Oats are a timeless breakfast staple that provides a wholesome and nutritious start to the day. These oats have been a trusted choice for generations, known for their high fibre content and ability to keep you feeling full and energised. Whether enjoyed as a warm bowl of porridge topped with your favourite fruits and nuts or used in baking recipes, these oats offer a versatile and satisfying option. With their simple and natural ingredients, Uncle Tobys Traditional Rolled Oats are a reliable choice for those seeking a nourishing breakfast option that stands the test of time.
Antibacterial wipes
Great clean up for messes house car travel Compact to carry
Taste 100%, health benefits 100% and dietary 100% With delicious, crispy, Flakes with fresh milk is the perfect breakfast cereal to start your day.
Good Breakfast Staple
This is a great breakfast staple to have in the cupboard especially during the cooler months. It is a great quality product that is easy to cook, available in large supermarkets and can also be used in cooking such as muffins. I do find it to be a bit expensive so I only buy when on sale.
Great for Breakfast
These uncle tobys oats are the best for porridge and a healthy start to breakfast. Porridge is easy to make and taste great. Love that it's Australian oats too.
fairly satisfied
I never stick to my diet because of craving for good taste. I do not want to eat anything that taste like anything at all! But Uncle Tobys oats saves me. I grab a quick breakfast before my work or jogging. And I do not feel hungry for hours. With respect to quantity, for someone who cannot keep up with dieting or for someone who is on the move, this is good enough to be a meal alternative.
Rolled oats
These uncle Tony’s rolled oats are the number one oats to get. They make the best porridge ever and have many more uses. I would highly recommend this to any one who is looking for a great oats brand.

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