the Smart Air™ Plus Connect Purifier LAP508

4.3 5 0 16 16 The best in class is now connected. Use the Breville Home Connect app to monitor, regulate and control the air purification in your home from anywhere with your phone. Great air quality and a full report through colour indicators and concentration of fine particles are just part of the pros of this air purifier.
the Smart Air™ Plus Connect Purifier LAP508


Easy, Breazy, Breville!
2 days after being selected for this trial, the Breville Air Purifier arrived. The instructions were easy to follow but, as we only have 5.0ghz NBN connection, I was unable to connect the Breville AP to the purifier. It doesn’t matter as the buttons on the top were all explained & the purifier has a colour coded light for air quality, which corresponds to a table in the instruction booklet. There are 4 colours that represent air quality. Red for ‘poor’, orange for ‘fair’, yellow for ‘Good’ & blue for ‘very good’. Mostly the unit has stayed on the blue light but a few times, the air purifier light has turned orange, which, when in auto mode, causes the purifier to switch to ‘turbo’ mode, which is VERY loud. We only use the turbo mode if we’re leaving the house. The filter is easy to get to by turning a dial on the base to remove a base plate & install the filter, then just turn the dial to tighten the base closed. We have budgies & other birds so this air purifier is great.
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