LEGO® DUPLO® Family House on Wheels

4.6 5 0 60 60 LEGO® DUPLO® opens a world of possibilities for pre-school play that’s endless, diverse and fun! With no right or wrong way to play, kids develop confidence, self-expression, and resilience through playful learning and teachable moments. Toddlers learn about how things work, learn about emotions with expressive characters and create imaginative stories. The LEGO®DUPLO® bricks are safe because they are made BIG and all sets live up to the strictest global requirements.
LEGO® DUPLO® Family House on Wheels


Great fun for the family
It hasn't been packed up since we set it up, we've played with it every day. It's kept my son entertained for hours and he loves coming up with different stories for the set
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Great for role playing adventures!
My children loved building and playing with this lego duplo family on wheels playset because it was fun building and also putting together the camp site like they help do in real life when they go camping. They enjoyed being able to role play with the characters and have tea with the kettle and pack up the camper and tow it with the car.
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Great fun for everyone.
My 2 girls really liked it. It was engaging and easy for them to do. It kept them entertained for ages and they also worked together to put it together, and that's not easy to get them to do. It helped them role play activities that we would do as a family like camping.
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All round great product
The LEGO DUPLO is awesome! It's super easy to assemble as the instructions have very easy to understand pictures and shows the exact pieces you need to assemble each step. Once it's all assembled, it's nice and sturdy and easy to roll the car and trailer around to wherever your child wants to set up camp. The pieces are nice and solid which is great too, so there's no small pieces to lose or stand on which all us parents hate. I even find myself taking time out to have a little play too!
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Playing taken to the next level
A great little DUPLO playset that stimulates little hands and minds to roleplay to create a story
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A good starter pack
A good little playset for little hands. My son loved to play with the blocks and especially to pull it all apart after it was made. A great little set to get into the Lego world and build different scenarios. Will keep for him so he can continue to play more.
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The kids had a blast!
The kids had so much putting this together as a family. Both my 4 year old and 2.5 year old focused on putting it together and role played together with it afterwards with imaginative play.
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Love this set
Great little set my son was super excited to see it and ripped it open as fast as he could he really loved it and was very engaged with it even fell asleep in bed with some of the pieces
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Duplo house on wheels
My little girl loved the DULPO family house on wheels. It has easy to follow instructions that even she could follow. She loved being able to make up different scenarios and just having playing and using her imagination. We love the bright colours and easy to use blocks. I would definitely reccomended DUPLO to everyone.
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So lucky!!!
I am so lucky to have been chosen to review this amazing product that I'd have never bought if i didn't trial it. My kids loved every bit of it and playing with different scenarios. My son is playing with the car in his own imaginative world while my autistic daughter was making soup and feeding it to the characters sitting around the campfire. Overall i loved how engaged my kids were.
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So much fun and learning
We loved the well laid out instructions, easy to put together pieces, solid construction and the fact that this set is on wheels - provides a lot of fun play options. It’s such a great set with lots of play story opportunities.
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Great toy for toddlers!
The Lego Duplo family on wheels is a good way to engage toddlers in using motor skills, imaginative skills and keeping them engaged. The big blocks are designed for tiny hands and are easy to use
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Lego duplo play
My little girl really doesn’t play much with toys but these she loves! I’m shocked she has really enjoyed playing with the trailer and car blocks
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Lego duplo
We loved it I will be buying more sets for my son, he had so much fun playing with this set
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Encourages hours of creative play and thoroughly enjoyed by my son. Easy to build

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