Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Vintage Cheddar Cheese Block

4.9 5 0 234 234 This Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Vintage Cheddar Cheese Chunk is matured up to 20 months and is carefully aged to develop a sharp, full-bodied flavour and crumbly texture.
Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Vintage Cheddar Cheese Block


Nice sharp taste
Reminds me of my father as he always had to have cracker barrel cheese. Nice and sharp taste and crumbles nicely on a jatz cracker.
My favourite cheese
I love this sharp cheddar cheese. My all time favourite cheese, especially in sandwiches and toasted jaffles. Can’t fault the flavour. It’s a cracker. Highly recommended plus plus plus plus!
5 stars
This is my go to for any cheese platter I’m making. The cheese is crumbly and sharp. Cracker Barrel is one of the best vintage cheeses on the market. Melts well also and great on sandwiches for a bitey flavour
Perfect for a Cheese platter
This Cracker Barrel extra sharp cheese is exactly what it says. Perfectly sharp in taste and delicious served on a cheese platter paired with fruits and nuts. The sharp taste is definitely what makes this cheese so good. Yummy!
Crumbly tasty and always reliable
This has long been a family favourite. It is thick and crumbly, with a good sharp taste and ageing. It is a very solid block and lasts quite long. Wonderful when paired with any of the fruit pastes, also fantastic with chutneys. Highly recommended.
Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Vintage
The flavor of Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Vintage Cheddar Cheese is an exquisite journey of boldness and depth. The extra sharp cheddar profile is a symphony of robust and complex flavors that dance on the palate. The aging process has transformed the cheese into a rich and intense experience that lingers with every bite. The quality of this cheddar cheese block is exceptional. Cracker Barrel has mastered the art of cheese aging, and it's evident in the depth of flavor and texture of this vintage cheddar. I appreciate the versatility of Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp Vintage Cheddar Cheese. Whether enjoyed on its own as a sophisticated cheese platter centerpiece, grated over dishes for an added layer of richness, or incorporated into recipes, it elevates every culinary creation.
Great vintage cheese
Great sharp flavour and always delicious and thoroughly enjoyed
The best!
I love this cheese so much! It tastes amazing, has a nice sharp taste to it. Love this on a cracker it is my guilty pleasure. I would recommend this to everyone looking for a great cheese
Sharp crumble cheese
This cheese is devine. The flavour is exactly what it says. Extra sharp. crumbly cheese which is delicious on crackers with pickles. Super tasty
Great quick snack.
Product is great for on the go snacking Easy, quick and convenient yo just grab on the way out the door or in between meetings. Better when brought in bulk.
Sharp, tasty flavour
This cheese is so tasty! It's sharp, crumbly and really divine. I enjoy having it on crackers, as part of a toasted sandwich with ham or just on its own. There is a taste explosion on your tongue , which ensures that I savour every sliver
Fridge Favourite
Cheese lovers should always keep a block of this in the fridge! I love this toasted under the grill over ham and sourdough. Strong, sharp cheddar flavour.
What a Cracker of a cheese
I love Cracker Barrel cheeses. Taste great, priced well. I serve this on a cheese platter with crackers and fruit
Not so Sharp
I was a little disappointed in Cracker Barrels Extra Sharp Vintage Cheddar, it's claim to being "Carefully aged to develop a sharp, full bodied flavour and crumbly texture" did not stand up. Although it has a nice flavour, it lacks in sharpness & is not all that crumbly, it can be cut quite cleanly with a sharp knife with out breakage & is easy to grate.
Best cheddar
I absolutely love this cheddar. it has a really strong and sharp taste and goes well on any cheese board.

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