Jungle Bran Flakes

4,7 5 0 766 766 Start your day with a bowl of Jungle Bran Flakes which contains essential nutrients and keeps you fuller for longer. It’s the quick and easy breakfast choice that is high in fibre to help keep you regular. <br><br> Benefits <li>High in fibre to help keep you regular <li>High in energy <li>Source of vitamin B1, B3 and B6 <li>Quick and easy - just add milk</li>
Jungle Bran Flakes


I love loved it...very tasty I love it because it is high in Fibre enable me to digest easily
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I love the taste and aroma and the fact that it gives me so much energy and my whole family is enjoying it.
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While one wants the health benefits of a low sugar cereal, it is needing some flavour. The easiest thing is to grab the sugar to add. I would recommend that they enhance the “sweet” flavour with a honey coating or something along those lines. I do not always have the time to add fruits etc. to make it taste better
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I love the jungle bran flakes because it's tasty and full of fibre, I love the taste with almond milk and fruits in between. This is definitely my new favourite even with full cream milk. Delicious and healthy both at the same time.
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it tastes delicious. it's not too crunchy and not too sweet. I love that it's packed with fiber and additional healthy benefits. it helps keep me regular and fuller for longer. I thoroughly enjoy these bran flakes and will buy them again.
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Jungle Bran Flakes, they are more tasty. It’s gives more energy after eaten. I really likes Jungle Bran Flakes
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Jungle Bran flakes is high in fiber, which helped me feel fuller for longer. It is also low in fat and sugar that is a great bonus. The texture is also perfect and not as hard as other bran flakes. We like to add strawberries to our bran flakes and that too was a great combination. Overall i am impressed with Jungle Bran Flakes and will continue to use it in the future.
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I love it, it's softer than the bran flakes I use and it saved me milk because it doesn't absorbe milk like the bran flakes I used before. The taste is amazing.
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I really liked the Flakes because they gave me energy and keep my stomach full which made me eat less.
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Jungle Bran Flakes are tasty , healthy and delicious 😋. They are true to the promises on the packet. They are full of goodness I really enjoyed them
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They taste very nice but they absorb milk so easily which takes away the crunchy part of which I really enjoy.
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What a lovely way to start our family's day with a lekker breakfast that was easy and fast. Everyone enjoyed it even my 4year old. Will definitely recommend it to my friends and family
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It was tasteful, i liked that i didn't need to add sugar
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I love the aroma of the flakes and it has the source I need to kick start my day which is fiber
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