Beeno Shapes

4,8 5 0 387 387 Beeno Shapes meaty treats are the ideal snack for your dog, they’re easy to chew and yummy too!<br> <br> Made with lots of protein and moisture, Beeno’s fun-shaped meaty snacks will boost your furry friend’s wagging tail. <br><br> • 28% protein for great meaty taste<br> • Omega 6 for a healthy skin & coat<br> <br> Available in these flavours:<br> Steak <br> Chicken<br> <br> For all ages, and all dog sized.<br> <br> <b>Keep their tails wagging at every stage of their life.<b><br> <br> <I>Do not feed more than 20 pieces per day, irrespective of dog’s weight.</I>
Beeno Shapes


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