Uncrustables® Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich Paquete de 10 cuentas

4.8 5 0 1762 1762 ¡Simplemente descongele, desenvuelva y coma bocadillos donde quiera que esté! Los sándwiches de mantequilla de maní y jalea de uva incrustables® son un bocadillo conveniente y empacable para llevar a donde sea que usted y sus hijos vayan a continuación. Este paquete de bocadillos de 4 unidades viene con 4 sándwiches de una sola porción que se envuelven individualmente para comer bocadillos en cualquier momento.
Uncrustables® Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich Paquete de 10 cuentas


Best on the go snack !
My family flys through these in our house! I love that I can’t throw them in my bag from the freezer on the go and they will be ready to eat shortly after ! The ratio of peanut butter and jelly is perfect for myself and my littles ! No access crust or work for mommy!
Childhood Classic
Sill eat them as an adult and so do all my adult family members. Many of them like to freeze the Uncrustables but personally I keep them in the fridge. I love the softness of them and the fact there's three sizes that I know.
Best jam flavor
I love all things grape and these are no different. I do like mine a bit on the firmer side do I like to pop it into the freezer for a bit before eating it. So if I know I’m taking it on a road trip or a day out running errands, I’ll freeze them to take on the go.
Uncrustables Peanut Butter &Grape Jelly
Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich are delicious and easy for on the go meals for summer time
A great snack
I love Uncrustables. They remind me of my childhood, and I still love them to this day. Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite sandwich type in general, so these are great for a quick snack.
Great after school snack for the kiddos.
My daughters really love the Smuckers' Uncrustables. They are an easy after-school snack, not messy, quick and easy. I love the text I get from them before school lets out to, 'Take an Uncrustable out to thaw" for them.
They have a nice peanut butter to jelly ratio and the little “crust” tastes so good I personally prefer the strawberry jelly ones but these are really good too. A little expensive for the amount you get
This is a childhood memory for me. you can eat this toasted in the toaster oven, frozen straight from the freezer, and thawed. It is yummy and ready to eat in any condition.
Favorite Freezer Sandwich
My freezer is always stocked with uncrustables, they are so convenient and delicious, I like eating them frozen they taste good like that or thawed, I recommend these! For sure!
Great for Kids
Uncrustables are great for on the go or if your kids are hangry and need food now and most kids love pb&j
Delicious and convenient
These are very delicious and convenient to use! No mess and taste great!
Simple snack
My children and husband love them, can't get enough.
So easy
These are great in strawberry too So easy my kids love these... Can't wait for the store to open tomorrow because we are out...
Great for adults and kids , fast and easy very convenient
On the go
I will eat these every so often, it's the Nostalgia for me. I love them cold or I will toast them fast tasty what more could you want

P y R

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