Solución multipropósito Biotrue

4.8 5 0 506 506 Acondiciona, limpia, elimina proteínas, desinfecta, enjuaga, almacena, para lentes de contacto blandos, incluidas las lentes de hidrogel de silicona. El mundo puede ser duro para tus ojos cuando usas lentes de contacto. En un mundo de menos sueño y más uso de la computadora, puede ser difícil para sus ojos mantenerse cómodos y húmedos, especialmente cuando usa lentes de contacto. Este producto hace que el uso de lentes de contacto sea más fácil para sus ojos. Es más fácil para tus ojos porque funciona como tus ojos.
Solución multipropósito Biotrue


Good product
Gives best hydration. Even I work infront of system for 4 hours I feel hydrated still. Good to go
Using it for over 5 years
I keep coming back to this. I tried other ones but Biotrue is the only one that doesn't burn my eyes when I put on my contact lenses. Also I'm able to stretch the time I use my contact lenses with it.
Easy to use.
These is by far the best contact solution I have ever tried and the only one I would repurchase though they are more expensive than similar products. The extra cost has always been worth it for me because they leave my contacts clean and have never burned my eyes.
Clean & Clear Lenses
This product is one of the few that actually gets my lenses clean. My eyes get dry and my contacts get cloudy so I have to clean them throughout the day. This solution not only gets them clean, it really helps rehydrate both my lenses and my eyes.
My favorite contact solution
I've worn contacts for over 25 years and this is by far my favorite saline solution. It keeps contacts moist and feels completely natural.
Works just like it’s supposed to!
I think this is the standard contact solution because this is what the eye doctor sent home with me when I got my contacts. Everyone I know uses this one and I’ve never heard a bad thing about it!
All time favorite
These is by far the best contact solution I have ever tried and the only one I would repurchase though they are more expensive than similar products. The extra cost has always been worth it for me because they leave my contacts clean and have never burned my eyes.
Biotrue products
I chemically burned my eyes almost a decade ago and this is the ONLY contact solution I can comfortably use. I have been purchasing this for almost 8 years and it's tried and true!
I love this solution. It makes my eyes and contacts more moist. It lasts longer than other brands. I have less irritation. 10/10
Great for keeping contacts hydrated
Great for keeping contacts hydrated. I have been using this product for many years now and it is my most trusted product. I think it does a great job of keeping my contacts hydrated.
Only the best product
My eye doctor recommended this product after my previous one was not working as well. I have loved using this to keep my contacts refreshed.
Great for Contact Cases
I loved these when I used to wear contacts! My eye doctor recommended this brand and I haven't turned my back since
The only solution I would buy
I wear soft contacts and this is the only solution I’d buy for my contacts. My contacts feel clean all day, I really don’t have cons with this product but my husband likes Opti-free better although we wear different brands of contacts
best eye care
I love this solution because it cleans, removes protein, disinfects, and rinses my soft contact lenses perfectly. My contact lenses always feel comfortable and moist with this solution. It is gentle on my eyes and never irritates.
Best Solution Period!
Biotrue is the ONLY contact solution I use. It's the closest solution to that of your actual eye and is great for sensitive eyes. I always have one in my bag and will even use it as a re-wetting drop in a pinch. It provides a clean lens without being overly harsh or any unnecessary drying chemicals.

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