Recambio Swiffer WetJet Wood Mop Solution

4.6 5 0 495 495 Swiffer WetJet Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner es una solución de limpieza premezclada especialmente para el trapeador eléctrico todo en uno Swiffer WetJet. Es una fórmula segura * y de secado rápido que disuelve la suciedad y la suciedad dura y pegajosa para revelar la belleza natural de sus pisos.
Recambio Swiffer WetJet Wood Mop Solution


Great for wood floors!
When you have dogs and cats and kids, you need something like this to keep your floors, clean without breaking your back at the same
Works as Expected
This Swiffer Wet Jet Wood solution makes my wood floors shine! It's so easy to use, just pop it into the mop and go. The solution lasts a pretty long time too. I really enjoy the scent and it seems to linger lovely throughout the day. The solution quickly removes grime and dirt, leaving my wood floors looking beautiful! I use this solution almost daily and would definitely recommend it!
Works great
I love the wood floor refill for the wood floor swiffer. It doesn’t hurt your wood floor and very easy to use. Yes it cost a little more to buy the extra pads but well worth it.
wet jet wood
It is ok for small space or a quick clean up. but having to buy pads all the time is not for me. Would be great if it had reusable pad that you could wash. I would only recommend this product for a quick miss but not for everyday use.
Great in wood
This kit works so well on wood floors. I bought it for my new home and it keeps my house clean and smelling great. I am so happy they made shifters for wood floors. It’s way more convenient than using a regular mop.
I do not care for this type of mop. I’d be poor if I kept replacing the pad. Perhaps this is for small places. In my house these just don’t help.
Ok for wood floors
I really can't tell the difference between this wetjet cleaner and the regular floor cleaner. It still leaves streaks on my wood floors. So I guess it doesn't really matter which one I use.
Decent for a quick clean
I like this product and that it's safe for hardwood floors, but I wouldn't use it for all of my mopping. It's great for in betweens and quick cleans but not deep cleans. I would repurchase.
Great for quick cleanup
Swiffer wet jet wood mop solution refill works great with my Swiffer mop. It gets the floors clean in no time with the solution and the wipes together. I would recommend this moping system for easy cleanups.
Makes cleaning much easier!
It’s much easier, more effective and sanitary using Swiffer to clean my floors in addition to saving lots of time. I no longer use anything else to clean my floors but Swiffer.
Easier than mopping
All my floors are wood and I think this floor cleaner is effective and easy! Also, fun perk is that my 3.5 year old thinks its fun to mop with this thing, and he does a pretty good job with it!
Shining Wood Floors
I love this wet jet wood. It really accents the wood to where it applies a coat to keep the floors from drying out. I do notice a little bit of a soapy deposit at times. It also doesn't quite clean all the stuff off the floor but it does work really well and better for wood floors than the original version.
Better than lugging a mop and bucket
I like the swifter wet jet and use the solution for wood floors, but it does leave a hazy film on my floors. Now, it could just be that my floors are really old. I do live in a 200yr old house with the original wood floors throughout and they haven’t been refinished in in a few decades. So until or if I find a solution for the haze I will continue to use this because it’s so much easier than lugging a mop and bucket around the whole house up and down stairs.
Makes my floors shine!
I love how this Swiffer Wet Jet makes my floors clean and shiny without streaks and doesn't leave a dull film, like some floor cleaners. It has a nice, clean scent that isn't overpowering and it's do easy to use.
I personally arent a huge fan of swiffer but hey when i am i a rush or quick tidy it works and gets the job done now when i found these because i have wood floor i absolutely love them! i been purchasing now all the time and my o to is my swiffer now ahha , i recommend to everyone