Pasta dental sin cepillado para mascotas masticable dental tamaño pequeño 10.0 oz

4.6 5 0 35 35 Haz que limpiar los dientes de tu mascota sea sin complicaciones con la pasta dental NoBrush de Every Day Naturals. Nuestros masticables dentales están hechos con ingredientes de calidad y una fórmula única 4 en 1 que limpia los dientes de tu perro mientras mastica. ¡Dale a tu perro hasta dos masticables al día y disfruta de su aliento fresco y su gran sonrisa!
Pasta dental sin cepillado para mascotas masticable dental tamaño pequeño 10.0 oz


Fresh clean
This product leaves your dog’s teeth fresh and clean. They are easy to use and your pet will love it. Easy for both you and your pet. In fact, they think it is a tasty treat while they clean their teeth.
Approved by my dog!
Our dog just loves these No Brush Toothpaste Dental Chew and always waits impatiently to get them. These chews are all natural and they are a healthy snack for our dog. The results after using them are above and beyond my expectations! The chews really help with dog’s bad breath and fight the plague. The chews are of perfect size and our dog has no problems with chewing them. Will highly recommend them!
It's ok
My dog likes them and they do work but don't keep his breathe refreshing for long.
Cleans and freshens dogs breath perfectly...Highly recommend your dogs will love them
Combating bad breath
I have used this product with my dog that has bad breath from his current medications. He needs to eat many of them to get his teeth clean and freshen his breath. On the other hand, he likes them so I will continue to give them to him.

P y R

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