Igloo - Enfriador Trailmate de 25 QT

4.7 5 0 38 38 Esta nevera de hielo Trailmate de 25 cuartos compacta pero espaciosa te ayudará a revitalizar tu viaje. Súper resistente, gracias a su construcción robusta y audaz, con retención de hielo duradera y características adicionales prácticas (abrebotellas, tapa bloqueable, portavasos, tapón de drenaje...), esta es la nevera rígida fabricada en Estados Unidos que nunca debería faltar en tu diversión al aire libre.
Igloo - Enfriador Trailmate de 25 QT


Nice and sturdy
I love all things camping. This cooler is nice and sturdy as well as compact and gorgeous
Great cooler for camping
This cooler was a great item for our camping trip. It has enough room to bring drinks for a few days without being too heavy, and it looks cute too. Would definitely recommend!
Decent size for the price.
Overall this cooler works great for roadtrip or a quick beach day. Wouldn't recommend for all day use. Can't fit tons in it but keeps things super cold with ice lasting almost 6 to 8 hours.
Love ours
We bought ours mostly as a normal cooler for when we take the boat out on the river but we've used it for fishing trips or even road trips and the ice lasts so long and no spills or leaks at all!
Amazing cooler for Asian
From the day I know about igloo cooler I loved it so much , iam is vietnamese Iam liked to eat fresh food this cooler keep them cool fresh long time , I recommended you should have one in families , A+++
Outstanding cooler
Outstanding cooler we use this cooler a lot on road trips. Hold the ice for a very long time. Not only does it save us money buying drinks at stores . Highly recommended to family and friends.
Very sturdy and reliable
This igloo is sturdy and reliable for day to day use. I would recommend for those on the go. I use it for road trips, I fill it up with ice and the ice lasts for many hours if not the entire road trip. Overall 4.5/5
Our Roaptrip Cooler!
My husband loves that I purchased this for us. We use it to keep frozen water bottles, water and soda pop cold when traveling down the road. It fits on the floorboard in my vehicle easily. I highly recommend.
Awesome cooler!
This is a great cooler! We travel with it everywhere. It's relatively light even when loaded up. Sometimes these coolers can get pretty heavy and hard to lug around. I haven't had any problems. It keeps everything cool for quite a long time!
Great little cooler
Keeps my lunch for work cold and stays that way for a solid 8 hour shift great little cooler and doubles for a beer cooler when camping it's a win win two thumbs up
igloo rocks!
we bought two sizes of this product and are absolutely thrilled with them! they are sturdy, have great closures and keeps food frozen or cold for a day or better. awesome for those trips to costco or camping.
Not a yeti but a good alternative
So my boyfriend has this cooler and this past summer we camped at a music festival in the hottest days of summer. The cooler did keep our ice, drinks and food cold throughout the day. Unfortunately we still had to get new ice every morning though. It’s a cheaper alternative to the yeti cooler. I’d suggest using this on short trips and not for long, multi day trips in the summer in the south!
I own 3
These igloo coolers are amazing and we own 3 of them . For long trips and a large family they have never failed to keep our food cold and I highly recommend them . Easy to clean and the handle is sturdy they are great coolers to have on hand .
not too shabby!!
over all it is well worth the money. keeps ice for what seemed like forever in direct sunlight. Its light weight and still rugged enough on those far out in the sticks trips.
Just another imposter to the yeti
Average at best nothing spectacular. Don't catch my eye. Ice dwindled kinda like a paycheck on the weekend.

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