Fun Dip - Caramelos para el día de San Valentín

4.8 5 0 670 670 Fun Dip llena la boca con sabroso polvo que es irresistible, azucarado, dulce y ácido. Abre un surtido de 22 bolsas y tarjetas dentro de este paquete de dulces en caja de San Valentín. Fun Dip es uno de los amantes de los dulces esperan, por lo que no puedes equivocarte al dejar caer una bolsa en una bolsa de regalo o bolsa de dulces
Fun Dip - Caramelos para el día de San Valentín


A favorite!
I bought these this past Valentine's Day for my 3 school aged children. They requested their Valentines to share with their class be these. I'll probably buy them again for next Valentine's Day !
Who needs a valentine when you have these? They are delicious! You will be a hit if you bring these on valentine's day.
We ate these all the time as a kid! They are still fun to eat. I buy them every year for Halloween.
A personal favorite as I was a kid. I love getting these for my kiddos to share with their friends. It’s a guaranteed smile! I hope this product is around for a long long time to come!
Fun dip
All of my kids loves the fun dip candy. I keep them on hand all the time because they make perfect for rewards for the kids.
These fun dip packets are some of THE best candies! the flavors literally make your mouth water! my favorite has to be… all of them!
Best valentines
OK if your looking for candy and valentines cards. Look no more this is all in one. And the kids love them. I get these every valentines. So good
Great valentines
I bought these for my b daughter this year and they were a hit! Every one in class loved them! The best part is the section they have to write the "to" and "from" on them. I didn't need to get extra cards
Dip sticks
My grandson absolutely loved having these for a treat at school I loved them as a child the flavors easy transportation more flavors and seasons definitely would recommend this
Find dips candy I remember this kind of when I was young I used to love it still do yes I do recommend it good kids love it
My kids love this stuff! They especially love giving it out to the other kids for holidays at school!
Kids favorite
I got these for 2 of my kids for their classmates they were so happy. We would buy this again
Fun candy
I remember eating these growing up. Even though it’s pure sugar it’s still good. I use to only eat the stick and not the powder. My son now gets these as valentines and he likes them a lot
Love fun dip candy
Love the flavors and the little sticks that you use to dip in the flavored powder candy's. They have different flavors of these and they are so good. Loved them as a kid and now as an adult to. I get them often .
Super cute package and same great sugar rush of flavor.

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