Cubo exclusivo de pañales Genie

4.3 5 0 242 242 ¡Mantén tu cuarto de niños fresco! El nuevo cubo Diaper Genie Signature tiene abrazaderas que bloquean los olores y ayudan a evitar que los olores se escapen. El balde también tiene un pedal para la operación de manos libres. La amplia abertura de eliminación es conveniente. El balde tiene capacidad para 47 pañales para recién nacidos. El balde incluye una recarga de larga duración que puede durar hasta 5 meses o contener hasta 846 pañales para recién nacidos. Nuestras bolsas de recarga están hechas de una película antimicrobiana multicapa duradera con tecnología de barrera de bloqueo de olores. El recambio incluye 18 bolsas fáciles de arrancar que están perforadas para un uso y eliminación convenientes.
Cubo exclusivo de pañales Genie


Worth it
I see on social media people “de-influencing” you from purchasing a diaper genie. I couldn’t disagree more. I have one in my toddlers room and my infants room. It keeps the smell down, saves me trips to the main trashcan in my house, and keeps them out of reach of a nosey toddler.
Doesn’t look like a trash can
I love my diaper genie. I have a white one, it stays clean and doesn’t smell bad. I recommend grabbing the bigger one, since the babies will need a lot of diaper changes. We love ours and are very happy we decided to get one.
Momma must have
We absolutely love having a this in our home. Although it doesn’t completely eliminate the odor it is far better with having it! My only regret is not having one with my first little one.
New Parent Approved!
The Diaper Genie Signature Pail has been a game-changer for our home. While no diaper pail can completely eliminate odors, this one does a remarkably good job. The foot pedal is convenient for hands-free operation, especially when you're juggling a wiggly baby. The refills are easy to install, and the multi-layer bag system really does seem to lock in the smell. Plus, the sleek design doesn't look completely out of place in our room. It's a bit of an investment, but the convenience and odor control it provides have made it well worth it for us.
Momma must have
I absolutely love this diaper genie. I use it every day and it’s the best thing.
Works great with keeping out the smell
I got this for my sister because she is a single new mom and I thought it would be easier to have in her room so the room wouldn’t smell like dirty diaper. Plus I have the litter genie for my cat and I couldn’t imagine not having it anymore. She loves it and it works great. It keeps out the smell and the room never smells from it. It makes it so that she doesn’t have to bring the diapers each day.
Game changer
I love how convent the diaper genie makes changing diapers, to be able to dispose of them in a manner of not having to use a grocery bag every time and take it out every hour is amazing. The bags your able to purchase especially the scented ones are great. It holds the smell in and holds so many diaper so kind of in a way like I said your not taking diapers out it seems like every hour. 
The diaper genie keeps all smells locked inside. I use one upstairs and downstairs. Amazing when it gets full you snip off the bag, and throw it out.
Excellent for those stinky diapers!
Very convenient! Masks the smell of those stinky diapers. I have used this product since my child was born and I will continue to use with all of my kids.
Not durable
I like the Genie brand compared to others pricing but I was upset to know I had to get a second one because it wasn’t handled properly. The plastic I feel in my opinion cracked too easily when it fell. I had it for almost two years. I think overall it is acceptable. I love the design and well its functionality is pretty comparable to others.
Best baby shower gift
This is best gift ever. Room smells so clean and fresh , it masks diaper odor so well that it has become essential part of baby registry. I would definitely recommend it
Sturdy, made of stainless steel
I did not own a Diaper Genie until my third baby and wish I would have had one sooner. This diaper pail is nice and sturdy since it is made of stainless steel. Changing the bag is a breeze as it is very similar to changing a regular trash can with perforated seams for easy tearing. It also has a nice storage compartment for storing the bags with two convenient compartments located at the bottom of the can. One area is for reserve while the other compartment is for use. The foot pedal makes it easy to open the can without needing to push down making it a hands free process. My only con to this can is it does not always maintain odors the best especially with really soiled diapers. It also does not hold many diapers the older your baby gets. But overall, it is a nice addition to my nursery and a product I am grateful to have for easy disposal of diapers.
Diaper odor hider
Super handy product, takes up minimal space but the bag refills are a bit pricey. Other than that, it does a good job at containing the smells that come from the dirty diapers. 
Diapers smell where?
So I have two of these. Do I love them yes? But are the bags expensive and fill up fast? Also yes. It’s honestly just easier to put them in the normal trash. But they’re sleek, and make it so you don’t smell dirty diapers.
Convenient for poopy diapers
The ease of being able to toss a soiled diaper in this diaper genie was GREAT! However, when pushing the foot pedal to open the lid, it does release an odor from the other soiled diapers inside the pale. If the lid is closed, the smell is trapped, but it sneaks out when it's opened to toss more diapers inside. Overall, very handy to have, but I find myself tossing the soiled diapers in a leftover grocery bag straight into the garbage.

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