Búfalo azul estalla con golosinas cremosas y crujientes de pollo para gatos

4.7 5 0 154 154 Trate a su amigo felino con una explosión de sabor y textura con BLUE Bursts. Con una cubierta exterior crujiente y un centro cremoso de delicioso pollo, estas golosinas para gatos delirantemente deliciosas están hechas para mantener a tu gatito ronroneando por más, ¡simplemente agita la bolsa y los gatos corren! Y con pollo real primero y SIN subproductos de aves de corral, estas golosinas para gatos cuentan con los ingredientes que se sentirá bien al darles.
Búfalo azul estalla con golosinas cremosas y crujientes de pollo para gatos


Cat liked it
One cat loves them the other cat won't touch them.
My cats favorite
My cat knows what time i usually get home and waits for me by the door. As soon as i walk in she greats me and runs to her treat box so i can give her a couple of these. She is usually picky but likes these
Better alternative than competition
I used to get my cats the competitors, I'm happy that Blue has come out with this. It's a better options with better ingredients. Two of the three cats enjoy the treats. The other is a snob and prefers freeze dried salmon.
Cat Approved
I like these little morsels because I have multiple cats and it's easier to feed them. My cats like them because of the flavor and the ingredients.
My cats love this.They can be very picky but they really like this product.
Good Small Treats
My cat can be a little picky, but she tends to like these treats. She generally prefers soft treats, but will eat these ones regularly and seems to enjoy them. Get a lot of treats for the price.
My Cat love it
My cat loves it, but he is picky. It disappears quickly and other snacks remain. I recommend you try it, maybe your cats will love it too
Kitties Love It!
I bought these treats for my cat's as one of their christmas gifts last month and they loved them! Blue Buffalo is one of my favorite pet food brands and I feel like I can always trust their products!
Our cat loves these!
Our cat can sniff these out! She has learned to open the pantry door and will help herself. Wish they were in a smell proof container so that she could not get into them
Marley loves these!
I got these Blue Buffalo Bursts with Chicken Crunchy & Creamy Cat Treats, for my Marley girl. She's a very picky cat! She loves these treats! It took me a minute to get her to eat them but once I did, oh boy, it was on lol! They're crunchy on the outside and have a creamy center. These are definitely her new favorite treats!
Picky cat
My cat is picky and absolutely loves these. I have a total of 4 cats and they all love them but specifically my youngest who barely eats anything will chase after these. Totally recommend this product!
Picky cats love it
I have 2 cats and they are so picky! They refuse to eat so many things, but when I introduced these treats to them, they couldn’t get enough! These treats are by far the best I’ve found! They’re crunchy and just the right size for my kitties!
My cat loves his treats
Blue Buffalo treats will make your cat happy. Good size bag, would recommend for anyone with a cat who loves a snack.
Nice and crunchy
I bought this when I first saw it at my local pet store and loved it. I like hearing these crunchy snacks being munched on by my cats. It was too good to pass by and delivered in quality and taste.
My cats love these
These treats are like crunchy little pillows. They are about the size of a pea but square shapped. My cats love them. They come in a decent sizw bag that lasts my cats a few months. When my cats hear the bag, they come running. They are also good because they have less filers than some other brands and don't seem to get boring to my cats. Good for kittens, cats, and seniors.

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