Beyond Burger™

4.2 5 0 384 384 La primera hamburguesa vegetal del mundo que se ve, se cocina y satisface como la carne de res sin OGM, soja o gluten. Encuéntrela en el pasillo de la carne.
Beyond Burger™


It is Really Good
If you a true meat lover and wants something that tastes like it, this is the product to try with cheese!! So good!
Good vegan source of protein
The "meat" doesn't really taste like real meat. It tastes a bit chemical and bitter, but I'm not sure if it's just a bad batch I got. It's a great source of protein for vegans or vegetarians!
My favorite burger
I prefer this vegan burger over real meat. I am sensitive to many foods and I usually got upset stomach after a fast food meal. But with this burgers I feel great and satisfied with the amount of protein, it keeps me full for hours.
Just like the real thing!
I’ve been a pescatarian for a while now, so looking for plant based foods has been an ongoing quest in my life, and boy, these do not disappoint. These plant based burgers taste IDENTICAL to actual burgers! Cooking them is a quick and easy process. You can season them however you like, but personally, I enjoy the way they taste by themselves. The amount of protein in each burger is awesome as well! I really enjoy grilling them to achieve the full burger effect. If you’re looking to try something new or are looking for a viable plant based meat substitute, these burger patties are for you! Would recommend!
Love These!!
My family has been off the meat for a few years now. These patties are AMAZING! They are great on the grill, in the pan, or cut up and making tacos. You can literally make anything out of these that you would make regular ground beef out of. Beyond Burger is my favorite brand. It is WAY better than the other meatless patty brand that is popular. They got the texture right, the flavor right...AND I don't really feel too guilty about eating these. I know they aren't meat, and the 20 grams of protein are a huge plus!! Even the baby loves them!
It was ok
I tried and I am so confused what is the ingredient. It's tast good. The texture is a little life real meat. It wasn't easy to cook for me. So I like but then I didn't
good taste
It tastes like beef and it has the texture of beef. It does not smell like beef, though. Thus, I docked off one star. It is a healthier alternative than beef so I eat this frequently.
Beyond Burger
I love these burgers. They cook easily and have a great burger flavor and texture. I love cooking these on the skillet and topping with my favorite burger ingredients like tomato, lettuce, and onion.
BBQ Option
The Beyond burgers are great for bbq’s, be it 4th of July or any summer day. Bring it to any party, and you won’t feel left out just eating salad and sides. The texture itself takes time to get used to and this needs to be cooked extra well when using a stove top. Although the patty is fine as is, pro tip: mix in your favorite seasonings to it, and then reshape it into a patty- it’s a game changer.
not my fav
not my fav - the texture is too much like real meat for my liking to be honest
Acceptable plant based alternitive
Ok so hear me out. This is an awesome plant-based meaty alternative to beef. I used to love these--before I tried the Impossible Burger. If you had just had these I would say you probably would be fine. But compared to the impossible burger unfortionatly I have to pick the former.
Taste Nothing Like Real Meat
I’m not vegan however the last several years I have been working on improving my eating habits. I do often seek out more plant-based products and Beyond Meat seemed like a great healthy option. At first glance, my impression was that it didn't look quite like a real beef. The white specks on the patty were off-putting and made me feel nervous about trying it. I fried it in olive oil and it looked less like real meat than before. I tried the patty on its own because I wanted to get the true flavor. One bite was all it took for me to decide that Beyond Meat is not for me. Unfortunately, the texture and tastes are nowhere near being similar to real meat. My grandson has tried it as well and was not a fan either. If you’re looking for healthy options to integrate into your diet I would encourage you to try Beyond Meat as everyone has different tastes and this is solely my opinion.
Burgers, but better
I've tried most of the plant-based burgers on the market, and Beyond are one of the best. Keep your expectations realistic -- like any plant-based product, these are not going to taste exactly like a ground beef burger. But they will do exactly the same job. Grilled and stacked on a freshly toasted bun with your favorite burger toppings, you won't feel like you're missing out on anything. I do think the price is a little high, so I don't purchase these very often. But they are worth it to satisfy a real burger craving without the meat.
Grill & Chill
It's like a burger straight out of a plant-based dream. That sizzle on the grill, the juicy pink center. The flavor is savory, a tad smoky, and the texture is surprisingly close to the real deal. It's like they whispered the secrets of umami to those plant-based patties. The way it holds up on the grill is like a veggie superhero flexing its protein muscles. Throw it on the grill, slap it in a bun, crumble it in tacos, it's ready for any culinary adventure.
The taste is AMAZING!
I love this burger! It is not an everyday solution for me as it is a bit higher in fat than I prefer. The taste, texture and look are on point for all members of my family...vegan or not!

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