
Rock Rapids | IA
Miembro desde : 21 abr 2018

Reseñas por: veronica

Chuckit! Fetch Medley Ball Set Dog Toys Med 3pk


My dog is a young aussie cross and loved the new toys. The crunchy ball was his favorite. As soon I crunched it he went nuts! The heavy one was a good solid ball. The whistle one didn't really make much sound but was still a nice chewy for him. He destroys most toys in a day so I am very impressed that he has not damaged these at all. I recomend these for anyone with a larger dog.

POCKETJUICE Hybrid Heat – Rechargeable Pocket Hand Warmer


I absolutely love it! The low setting is not great but the high setting gets really warm. Plenty warm enough to warm up your hands during this fantastic South Dakota weather. -11 this morning so it got a good workout. It also charges my phone really fast. Faster than the wall charger that came with it which always reports as charging slowly. I think my phone was full in about 40 minutes! I am not sure how long the heat lasts on a full charge as I only ran it for about half an hour. I was impressed enough with the heat that I'm going to get 1 for both my brothers. One lives is platsmouth nebraska where they got a foot of snow last week and one lives in chicago with the lovely lake effect keeping things bitter.