The Game of Life: Edición Super Mario

4.9 5 0 65 65 En el juego de mesa The Game of Life: Edición Super Mario, los jugadores eligen jugar como Mario, Luigi, Peach o Yoshi, recorriendo el Reino Champiñón y, finalmente, girando para ganar en una batalla contra Bowser. Se mueven por los caminos circulares del tablero mientras recogen monedas, se potencian con artículos y compañeros, y juegan divertidos minijuegos a lo largo del camino, como Piedra, Papel o Tijera, Guerra de Dedos y Spin-Offs. A medida que se acercan al Castillo de Bowser, los jugadores también comprarán estrellas para mejorar su giro en la batalla; cada estrella recolectada suma 1 punto a su total de giros, y los jugadores necesitarán girar más de 12 para derrotar a Bowser y ganar el juego. Este divertido juego para niños y familias es para 2 a 4 jugadores, de 8 años en adelante.
The Game of Life: Edición Super Mario


This game brings back so much nostalgia and is a great twist of the original version of LIFE. The concept is easy to follow and it’s good fun for the whole family!
Super fun!
Love this game! I was obsessed with Life growing up so I wanted to introduce the game to my child but she didn’t seem interested in the original game so we tried this version instead and it was a hit. We’ve added it to the rotation for our regular family game nights.
So Fun
This game is so fun! My family is obsessed with all things Mario so this game is perfect for us. Its a fun switch up to the classic original game of Life!
Fun Twist on a Classic
The original game of life is something I loved when I was a kid, I like these modern twists to older games that help keep them fun and exciting for the kids. Hopefully we see even more variations!
My family has endless fun playing monopoly.
Good game for kids to play
Life was always one of my favorite games as a kid to play and I wanted to be able to introduce my kids to the game. We bought this game for my kids when they were 8 and they absolutely love it! We play multiple times a week and it's easy enough for them to understand and play on their own. It's a great transition for when they are ready to play the adult version.
Lots of Fun
We love Mario in our house. It's fun to see my kids like Mario like I did at their age, and to enjoy this board game that I liked as a kid as well. It's great that two are combined together, and we've spent many hours enjoying this game.
Fun Diffrent Life
This game is the Best Family game! The fact that the Mario character still lives on is exciting. It bring more life and fun to an old game that I played as a kid. My children loved it.
Kids love this game!
My kids and I really enjoy playing this game! My kids range in age from 6-10 and they ask all the time if we can play it.
Kids love it!
Our kids love this game and love adding Mario's touch to it! It's a well made and very well designed game- when I play the game with the kids, we can't stop we enjoyed it
Adsolutely love this. I like this game the children have a lot of fun. Mario Bro is love
Absolutley LOVE this!
I love this game takes on a new twist and incorporating interactive mini games. this game is easy enough to understand for younger children as well making it perfect for family game night.
Awesome game!
If you love the Game of Life, and you love Super Mario Bros, then you will LOVE this game. We have the regular life but someone got us this for Christmas and my kids love it! We will probably give the original one away because they just want to play this!
Fanily Favorite
We LOVE it. If anyone in your family loves mario this is a great game for your family game night. It's not complicated to play so even the you get kids love it! It's made sturdy so it can stand up to LOTS of use. Would definitely recommend.
Super cheap for your family company, easy to get and quickly

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