Crest 3D White Removedor de Manchas Profundas

5 5 0 3 3 El último avance en tecnología de blanqueamiento ya está aquí. **Crest 3DWhite Brilliance Deep Stain Remover** es el primero de su tipo: un dentífrico de uso diario que realmente cumple con el blanqueamiento. En tan solo un día, disuelve las partículas que fijan incluso las manchas más profundas a los dientes, logrando un blanqueamiento TOTAL. De la marca #1 en blanqueamiento dental en Estados Unidos.
Crest 3D White Removedor de Manchas Profundas


Best stain remover
I've found an easy teeth-whitening solution. This toothpaste is easier to use than strips and has a great flavor. A little goes a long way, and the pump-like top dispenses the perfect amount. Use it normally and don't swallow it. I used it daily, and although it took a few uses to see results, it works gradually. I'm very satisfied.
Great results and easy to use
This is the best whitening toothpaste I have used so far! I’ve used twice a day for a week and can’t believe the difference in my teeth! And there is ZERO sensitivity with this product, which is a huge plus!
great item
i use this daily, i drink coffee and my teeth stain easy, so I started using this toothpaste daily and I see a big different.

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