I really liked this powder. It is a soft powder and it has a kind of chalky-ness to it that helps it stick to the skin. I used it under my boobs and between by thighs and it kept me cool and fresh. I also sprinkled some in my husband and daughters shoes. They have the worst smelling feet in the summer. I noticed it did help with the smell some. I just think this is a great all around powder to have around the house. Great Product
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Home Tester Ace
38 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
38 Reviews
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As the higher temperatures are here, sweat happens! I use this under my boob's and it helps keep the moisture away. Rashes are near as bad but I do feel it has helped a lot. I have even been using it on my inner thighs.. I feel like this is great really in any of the crevices that get to hot and sweat during the summer months.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
41 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
41 Reviews
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Awesome anti fungal powder
Zeasorb works great and helps to keep things dry to prevent fungus. It’s been great for under boob sweat and sweaty feet. I would recommend using it on any part of the body that gets sweaty and has the risk of fungus.
Mindy (Martinsburg)
Mindy (Martinsburg)
Kayla (Bartlett)
Kayla (Bartlett)
Cynthia (Dorchester)
Cynthia (Dorchester)