Smart Box Unscented 6lb

4.4 5 0 51 51 Cat litter that changes color when your cat is unwell. Lightweight corn-based pellets with added Healthmark Technology. Detect pH abnormalities to catch potential health issues early. See what they can’t say.
Smart Box Unscented 6lb


Stayed the same
My cat must be pretty healthy because the litter stayed the same color for every pee. So it’s hard to judge accurately if the litter truly works because my cat hasn’t had any issues for the litter to change.
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Great way to ensure your cat's healthy!
I received the Smart Box Unscented cat litter in the 6 pound box to try out and review. This litter is lightweight and made out of corn fiber, with less chemicals and 99.9% dust free! It provides up to 30 days of odor control and leaves less tracking than other brands. I love that it provides a health monitoring system to detect health issues early on, based on the color/shade of the litter once it is absorbed. It will change color if it detects abnormalities in the acidity/alkalinity levels or if blood is present in the urine. And on top of all of that, it is also flushable! My cat takes medication to treat diabetes so it's very important that we keep track of his levels, and this is the best and easiest way to do this on a daily basis without having to pester him or need extra trips to the vet. I love that the corn fiber creates a dust free environment, making it much easier to clean and maintain the litter box. The only drawback is the size, I wish the box was bigger than 6 pounds.
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Great cat litter
My cats are usually finicky cats who don’t like their litter to be played around with, but to my surprise they loved using this litter. I didn’t find any surprises outside of the box, and they actually kept all of the litter inside of their box.
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Loved my my kitties and I
I recently tried out Smart Box Unscented cat litter and I have to say, I am beyond impressed. Not only does it do a great job at masking odors and clumping well, but the added feature of detecting pH abnormalities is a game changer. As a cat owner, it can be difficult to catch potential health issues early on. But with Smart Box, I can rest easy knowing that any changes in my cat's pH levels will be detected and I can take action right away. This gives me peace of mind and allows me to be proactive in my cat's health. The litter itself is also of great quality, with minimal dust and tracking. It's unscented, which is perfect for my sensitive-nosed kitty, and the clumps are easy to scoop out. I highly recommend Smart Box Unscented cat litter to all cat owners out there. It's a smart choice for both you and your feline friend's health. 5 stars all the way!
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Great Product for my Cat
This product did a great job for my cat. I thought it smelled great and i liked it.
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Cats and their Health
The cat litter helps big time so we can tell what the colors of the urine is so we can tell if the cats are healthy.
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Clean clear
This capital is so good elements no copjkl. Bnnccvk n fcfhnjmkkmkknbhvcf cvnkmkkmhgxzsb Hoosick xzeyilppkolmoohffftuuikkjjgggujiikkovzzzsrvbjkmklmmklmnbcfgiokm loan uiommmkkkkkoo y
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My kitty really liked this litter which is unusual because she's usually really picky! It always gives me a peace of mind to let me know she's healthy!
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Great Cat Litter
I was a bit worried about this litter. It comes as long, skinny pellets. But it works. It was very Informative. This is no odor. Overall a very good cat litter. I will defiantly be purchasing again,
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Awesome product
I really liked the cat litter. It was a super unique product. I also liked that it shows the cats PH to treat illnesses faster.
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Love this
this cat litter is amazing. I did not know that there was such thing as health monitoring litter. My cat was not behaving normal and I checked the litter and had to bring him to the vet. It is so great at alerting you if there is any issues.
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Mixed Results
I followed the advised directions and incorporated 70% of the new litter with 30% of the old litter to allow my cats to adjust. I have a 1 year old male cat named Finn and a 11.5 year old female along with 2 litter boxes. To give this a fair shot I used both litter boxes. While Finn was hesitant, he did use the litter boxes. However, she refused to use them and peed outside the box. I tried to redirect her but after 3 days I had to switch back and the problem fixed itself.
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Wasn't too sure about liking this kitty litter. My cat didn't seem to mind it, but very different from what I'm used to. Probably won't recommend it. Maybe if my cat suffered from urinary tract issues, then may look into it.
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This is the first time I looked forward to my cat using the litterbox! What an amazing idea to check the health of my cat. The litter is lightweight and clamps well.
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What a great product!
I have always remained uncertain about these new litters that tell on your pets health, etc. I always thought they must have some kind of funky chemicals in them to make it work that way. I never wanted my cats to scratch that into their paws or I to the air, we are surrounded by enough chemicals in this life as it is. Since my testing of Smart Box began, I have since changed my feelings on this, at least with this brand of litter. My 3 cats have multiple litter boxes, but I put this brand in their "favorite" box for them to try. As you see in my photos, my 2 females were immediately interested. My male, however, hung back a while and just watched. My older female used the litter almost immediately. My female kitten followed shortly after. My male stayed clear for a day or so, but did end up using it, as well. I found the cleanup to be very easy. My cats are healthy based on the test portion if the litter. There was no smell or mess when pouring or the cats burying their "potty's"
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