PureMoist Opti-Free Contact Solution

4.9 5 0 280 280 Give your eyes the all-day comfort that they need with the Pure Moist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution from Opti-Free. This formula is made specifically for soft contact lenses for optimal contact lens care. Use daily on either silicone hydrogel or soft contact lenses to clean, rinse, disinfect and store. Each package comes with a free lens case so you can always keep your contacts fresh and clean. Experience advanced cleaning and disinfection with all-day comfort, from morning ’til night.
PureMoist Opti-Free Contact Solution


Go to contact solution
This is the only contact solution I will use. It keeps my contacts clean and sanitized while also keeping my eyes moisturized. No more dry eyes!
Comfort all day
I use this contact solution every day. My lenses are clean and eyes stay moisturized.
Contact lens solution review
This contact solution is the best!!! Leave my contacts feeling clean and moist for my eyes!
Works Great!
Opti-Free Puremoist cleans my contacts and keeps them moist in the case. My contacts feel fresh on my eyes. The only time it is an issue is during allergy season, and they need a little extra cleaning.
Deep clean and keeps contacts soft
I love Opti-free products for my contacts. These are great at cleaning my contacts without rubbing. I will spray this directly onto my contacts at bedtime and the next day I gently rub and my contacts are super clean and ready for the day. I like how my contacts feel soften using this product. And if you buy at Costco the price is right!
Best contact solution
I was struggling with dry eyes and contacts before I used this solution. My doctor recommended it and told me to make sure when I remove my contacts at night, I put a little solution into my hands and massage my contacts into it before I put them in my case. It’s made all the difference. The extra scrubbing and this particular solution. Have helped my dry eyes so much. This solution feels thicker than others that feel more watered down. This solution definitely makes it feel like my contacts get more hydration as they soak overnight.
Love it!
My whole family uses this solution and we all love it! It cleans the contacts well and helps them stay moist throughout the day. It is affordable and reliable.
Just started using
I am back to wearing contacts again and change them out every 2 weeks. I have been using Opti-free pure moist and have found I do not have any issues with my eyes becoming dry or irritated. I store my lens in the handy case that came with the solution and have not noticed any build up on my lens. Recommend trying.
Only solution that lasts!
I tried other solutions but experienced itching and dry eyes so I came right back to PureMoist Opti-Free solution. This has been the only one that I haven’t had to refresh my eyes constantly with. I use this solution for my overnight case and and my contacts are fresh like they were just opened. I’ve never experienced any itching or discomfort with this brand either. I have pretty sensitive eyes and skin but I love using Opti-free.
Only Solution I Use
This is the only contact solution I use. It is great for contact storage and as eye drops to keep your eyes from drying out. This kit is great for anyone starting new with contacts or lifetime wearers.
Ultimate hydration
Great solution! Always leaves my contacts from feeling dry half way through the day
Cleans and Moistens
I wear daily contacts because my eyes are so sensitive and dry-out easily, so I don't use this solution for contact storage... But I do rinse lenses off prior to wearing, and sometimes if I get something in my eye, I will remove my contacts and use this solution to rinse off the lens. This is my preferred solution, my eyes have never gotten irritated from it.
Contact user
I have worn contacts for over 30 years and I love the way this product makes my eyes feel fresh after having my contacts in over 8 hours a day. I also love that you get a new lens case when you buy this product.
Super Moist
My husband uses this product and prefers this brand. He feels like this brand really cleans his contacts and he feels like his 2 week contacts last more like 2 months. He recommends this item to anyone because you will find yourself saving money by not having to replace your contacts as much as the Dr. tells you you should.
My go to!
My eyes dry out really easily sometimes, especially when I wear contacts but this product is great! It is now my go to since it keeps my contacts hydrated as well as my eyes.

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