The 32gd usb flash drive does the work, nothing more I can ask about this flash drive. It does the work that is suppose to do, however, it doesn't has the fastest speed, but doable.
It held a good amount of documents and photos. I used it for a presentation for class and it held all the information, pictures, and slideshows I needed it to hold. I still had a lot of room to add more to it so I will use it for my next assignment as well.
This is the best little compact usb device! It has a great amount of storage, folds away nicely and is also very cute! This is perfect for putting some files on, or even photos to take to get printed out
Home Tested with free product
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21 Reviews
Home Tester
21 Reviews
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Great device
Very helpful and easy to carry device that is very compact and works really well! It has a little extend button that extends the USB plug in so it makes it even more compact to carry and use and the device is simple to setup and has multiple size options and is very affordable. I highly recommend this.
Julius (Temple City)
Julius (Temple City)
Brittney (Laurens)
Brittney (Laurens)
Morgan (Greensboro)
Morgan (Greensboro)
Brandon (Cocoa)
Brandon (Cocoa)