I purchased this product in a sky blue color. The color was pretty, but it didn’t provide the protection that I thought it would meaning it kept falling out of the case. It wouldn’t fit the iPen in the slot that is supposed To go in
Home Tester
141 Reviews
Home Tester
141 Reviews
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Protecting in the Pink
I have the Onn Tablet Folio Case in pink and I use it everyday. It has and does protect my IPad from everything that we put it through. There are some small things that I don’t care for about it, however, overall it’s a great product worth its money which isn’t that bad.
This cover for my IPAD is very cute and convenient, however, there is zero protection against breakages. My son has dropped it a few times and luckily I have a screen protector on it so it didn't break. It stands very well though. But if you are rough on electronics I would recommend getting something else.
Light weight, simple and quick to take on and off and automatically locks when the cover is closed. I liked it so much I bought two more in different colors.
Case is great, protects my iPad and allows me to use my iPad more effectively. Cover doubles as stand and allows me to use my iPad in any position.
Holly(Bay City)
Home Tester Ace
100 Reviews
Holly(Bay City)
Home Tester Ace
100 Reviews
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Nice case
This was a nice tablet case. It doesn't have much protection. This case is very cute pink and shimmery. The way it stands is odd and doesn't want to stay proped up. Definitely great for an adult.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
261 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
261 Reviews
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Protection for tablet
The onn. Tablet Folio Case for iPad 10th generation - Pink gives great protection for the tablet and fits perfectly in size and has opening for buttons as well on volume and charging. The pink is pretty and the case is soft. I definitely recommend this product and love that it’s easy to open and close for screen use.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
51 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
51 Reviews
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Cute and sturdy
This iPad cover is super cute and very durable. I like how it covers and protects the screen by closing the front. It fits easily onto my iPad and I don’t have to worry about dropping it because it is protected! I love how it has a stand built in as well. The color is shimmery pink and is so cute.
The color of the case is so pretty. It's like a shimmery pink. I don't love the plastic backing but it feels like it may protect in a drop. I think a stronger feeling plastic would make it feel less cheap.
Sylvia ()
Sylvia ()
Kathy (Calhoun)
Kathy (Calhoun)
Nikita (Tonawanda)
Nikita (Tonawanda)
Abby (Worthing)
Abby (Worthing)
Susan (Knoxville)
Susan (Knoxville)
Anna (Riverview)
Anna (Riverview)
Brandi (Paducah)
Brandi (Paducah)
Edith (Twin Falls)
Edith (Twin Falls)
Debra (Tampa)
Debra (Tampa)
Gracie (Little Falls)
Gracie (Little Falls)
Harold (Atwater)
Harold (Atwater)
Holly (Bay City)
Holly (Bay City)
Christian (Hastings)
Christian (Hastings)
Kristine (Cumming)
Kristine (Cumming)
Courtney (Coleman)
Courtney (Coleman)