4.650222222Premium in quality and superior in performance, Tweezerman's facial razor provides easy removal of peach fuzz while gently exfoliating skin. Designed for easy handling and optimal performance for self-care.
Facial Razor
4.6 from
Facial Razor
Premium in quality and superior in performance, Tweezerman's facial razor provides easy removal of peach fuzz while gently exfoliating skin. Designed for easy handling and optimal performance for self-care.
Premium in quality and superior in performance, Tweezerman's facial razor provides easy removal of peach fuzz while gently exfoliating skin. Designed for easy handling and optimal performance for self-care.
This is a great reusable facial razor by Tweezerman. So many things might love about this. 1. The metallic look is far better than all the pastel plastic facial razors. 2. It's got nice weight to it. It's a sturdy piece of metal that feels good in my hands. 3. It's reusable! No more plastic waste! Now you can replace the razor blade and have WAY less waste. I'm so happy to have discovered this.
I was a little skeptical to try a facial razor because I was not sure it would work, but this amazed me! It took off dead skin and lots of peach fuzz hair. I was very surprised. My skin felt very smooth after. I will definitely continue using it.
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Dariela(DEL RIO)
Home Tester Ace
41 Reviews
Dariela(DEL RIO)
Home Tester Ace
41 Reviews
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Gave this to my husband to clean up his beard. He said it is great for that.
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Home Tester Ace
61 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
61 Reviews
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Helps me feel more confident
Overall I like the precision of this facial razor. It is easy to use for touch ups although it is slightly heavy. I like that it doesn’t look like your typical razor and a little more feminine.
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Home Tester Ace
26 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
26 Reviews
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Better than I thought
I don’t like having or using a razor because of the ingrown hairs that come but this wasn’t bad.
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Home Tester
7 Reviews
Home Tester
7 Reviews
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Great hair remover!
I have used several dermablades/facial razors and this is by far my favorite! The design is comfortable and easy to grasp so I’m not worried about it slipping or tilting and potentially cutting myself. It is a nice weight as well. I have fine, blonde hairs on my face that some blades do not catch, but the tweezerman blade left no hairs behind! It also cut the hairs so close to the skin so I don’t have to do it as frequently, which saves time and money! This is one product I will definitely continue using!!
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2 Reviews
2 Reviews
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Love this razor
Since having my hysterectomy I have had issues with excessive hair on my face. This razor is amazing and makes my face so smooth.
This facial razor did an incredible job with removing peach fuzz on the side of my face and above my lip. I never felt it was too sharp or that it would cut me, but it got a very close shave. It also did a great job exfoliating my skin. I had never used a facial razor like this before but now I plan to use it every 2-3 weeks. I can’t believe I lived without this for so long! Get it, it’s awesome.
This a great facial razor. I highly recommend this product. It is very sharp and be careful while using it.
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Melinda(Saint Marys)
Home Tester
7 Reviews
Melinda(Saint Marys)
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7 Reviews
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Absolutely Love this Razor!
I was crazy excited when I recieved this package in the mail and opened it to realize not only was it a Tweezerman Product, but also a facial razor (when I literally just added to my shopping list because my previous store brand one was dull). I tried the product for the first time and am In love with how heavy duty and fancy looking the razor is. The handle is a bit thicker than Id prefer but that may just be because I am use to thinner handles from the store bought facial razors. But this product worked amazing when I tried on my face.
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Home Tester
20 Reviews
Home Tester
20 Reviews
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A great to for removing hair!
This is my favorite facial razor out of all of the ones I have ever used. Something about this one seems to be about the closest thing you can get to a professional dermaplaning service from an aesthetician. This tool does such a good job at getting off all of the little hairs all over my face, it leaves me feeling nice and smooth without causing any irritation to my skin. I also feel very safe using it because there is essentially a little guard that keeps you from cutting yourself.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
24 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
24 Reviews
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Not for me
I tried using the Tweezerman Facial Razor, but it left my skin irritated. I would not consider the skin on my face to be sensitive, so I was not expecting any irritation. I think those who have less sensitive skin could use this product easily, but for those who may have any concern- it would be best to test a small part of your face as I did. Tweezermen is a great brand, but this is not a product I would continue to use.
Daisy (Front Royal)
Daisy (Front Royal)
Samantha (Grand Rapids)
Samantha (Grand Rapids)
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Danielle (Grant)
Dariela (DEL RIO)
Dariela (DEL RIO)
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Amanda (Chicago)
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Timothy (Bridgeport)
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Colleen (Wilmington)
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Vicki (Kenmore)
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Catherine (Tulsa)
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Chad (Delaware)
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Rick (Mechanicsburg)
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dem (Naperville)
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Melinda (Saint Marys)
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Vanessa (Chandler)
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Brinay (Severn)