While I wear guards on a daily basis from multiple companies to include Depends, when giving the opportunity to try these new ones out from Depends I was excited and expecting to see new improvements in this technology. However, I was disappointed that these guards work as well as the previous one, and did not see any difference in them.
We found these to be very effective. So far, this product has been a reliable means of containing the occasional leaks. They are comfortable and convenient. The adhesion is just right. You can reposition the pad and it stays in place.
Changing the color of the adhesive protective stripe to a high contrast dark gray over the light white/gray of the pad and cover material is a good idea.
I like how flexible these guards are. The way they are shaped makes them a great fit for me. They stay in place and do not move or get displaced. They keep me dry and free from any odor. The are very absorbent also.
My tittle kind of says I all. Depends Guards are a superior leak control product. I have stage 3 prostate and stage 4 chronic kidney disease so I have to insert catheters, which for one reason or another I have to deal with a lot of leakage so on days its really bad my guards are truly life savers. I'd also like to say my wife love's these Depends as well as she has leaks just abou every day so for us we will be customers for life.
I'd like to say thank you for listening to my review.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester
11 Reviews
Home Tester
11 Reviews
0 Upload
Great protection
This is the best protection against being wet. I highly recommend this product to everyone I know
I Feel Like These Men's Safety Issues Pads Have Saved Me Quite A Few Times For Accidental Reasons. They Are The Right Size And Protection For I Would Say Anybody. And I Am A Former Bodybuilder Who Has Become Injured Through My Back And Unfortunately Have Gained Over 100 Pounds. So If I Say That These Pads Can Help Just About Everyone, Then You Know That They Can Help Just About Everyone. I Also Like The Fact That They Are Comfortable And Not Too Bulky Like Some Of The Others That Come In The Diaper Form, And Make You Feel Like A Child Again. And If You're Single, You Can't Complain To Your Significant Other Saying That You Have Been Bad And You Get Spanked.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Ace
27 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
27 Reviews
0 Upload
Good Absorbancy
This product worked just as described for protecting from bladder leaks. It was easy to use and stayed in place.
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester Pro
110 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
110 Reviews
0 Upload
Great fit
I love the way they fit in my underwear. It’s a great brand and I would recommend this brand anybody.
Great Pads - not too bulky ! Saves the day. Currently have an issue where I cannot hold it in and often causes embarrassing situations but these pads save me embarrassment and
Anthony (Salinas)
Anthony (Salinas)
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Anantha (Newtown Square)
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Amelio (Latham)
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David (Leavenworth)
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Chuks (Sacramento)
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Jimmie (Bronx)
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Christopher (Redding)
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Thomas (Paden City)
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Shane (Cleveland)
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Mario (Covington)
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George (Las Vegas)