Dum Dums Color Party Lollipops Ocean Blue Cotton Candy Flavor 12.8 Oz 75 Count

4.8 5 0 46 46 Add a POP of color to put your next celebration over the top. Full color wrappers let you color coordinate your treats with your party theme. Dum-Dums® Color Party also offer endless crafting options to make your party fun and memorable. We hope you enjoy sampling these colorful and tasty little treats!
Dum Dums Color Party Lollipops Ocean Blue Cotton Candy Flavor 12.8 Oz 75 Count


Dum dums galore!
My daughter is obsessed with dumb dumbs! This is the perfect bag to get in order to distribute goodie bags to all of her friends and her TK class. The perfect to add with a few extra little stickers and pencils into a little gift bag and viola you can have a Valentines gift or just a goodie bag! Your choice!
Best Flavor
Cotton candy is the best flavor. I love these because of their small size. They make a great occasional treat.
Love cotton candy flavor
My grands love these Dum Dums. Cotton candy is their favorite. Also make a great Halloween treat.
Finally what I've always wanted
Anytime I would come across DumDums I would search through them looking for this flavor and more then half the time I would not be able to find them but this flavor is the only one that I really care for out of all of them so when I seen the bag with just the cotton candy flavor i was way too excited. Any cotton candy flavor lovers must give this a try.
Yum cotton candy
DumDum cotton candy lollli pops are absolutely delicious. There my favorite cotton candy lolli pop and 8 like the small size too. I don't like the ones that are way too big with overpowering flavor. These are just right.
Yummy flavor
I found a Dum-Dums Ocean Blue Cotton Candy Flavor In the bowl at my doctor's office of all places. It had a rich flavor that tasted just like blue cotton candy. I've trusted the Dum-Dums brand since my kids were little and my grandkids love them too. I definitely recommend this product.
Dum Dums
Dum Dums have a variety of different flavors jam packed with exciting and flavorful taste!
Cotton candy
Dum Dums flavor cotton candy is a small lollipop that comes in a blue wrapper. You unwrap that to a blue lollipop that tastes just like cotton candy. Ready to escape to the fair here’s the quickest way.
A nice treat
I’ve been eating dumdums for as long as I can remember, and the cotton candy flavor has always been one of my favorites. I was so excited when I saw a bag of all cotton candy lollipops! They’re great when you’re craving something sweet, but not overly sweet!
Tastes great!
Love the fact that dums-dums are a lighter snack in terms of calories and fat. They always have good flavoring and taste great! Cotton candy flavor on anything is one of my favorites! Kids love them too! They are definitely worth a try!
Candy Bar Approved
Great compliment to a candy bar, who doesn't love a dum-dum? Great value and love the separate colors option.
Can’t go wrong with your classic dum dum. I love getting these and having them when guest come over. Even the adults enjoy and take some home. Love them and so do my kids. I love getting the big bag that way they last longer
Our favorite flavor
What kid doesn’t love cotton candy and lollipops. These are a huge hit in my house. Easy to tote around in a purse or have at home and the perfect size for little kids. The stick doesn’t deteriorate while sucking for a long period of time either which is something us moms look out for. All in all, my kids love this flavor. Tastes like cotton candy!
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Simply Delicious
First the package was decent. Everything held together good through the shipping process. The individual wrapping is simple yet effective. Huge nostalgia as I opened the bag. The kids liked the flavor, I loved it. The cotton candy was amazing. Hit with nostalgia again, going to the state fair as a kid. The cotton candy flavor was dead on. The candy wasn't so much that the children wouldn't finish it. Too many half eaten suckers stuck to the strangest places are in the past. Highly recommend this flavor.
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Great dum dumd
I love this product. And can't wait to find them in our supper markets. The flavor is great. And I am looking for them in all stores. But just can't find them anywhere. We love it
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