Swizzels Drumstick Squashies

4.8 5 0 2045 2045 The clever boffins at Swizzels have found a way to turn all your favourite sweets ‘Squashie’!
Swizzels Drumstick Squashies


One of my favourite sweets
I absolutely adore these drumstick squashies they are soft, chewy and taste absolutely divine. They are a must have snack for me! They are packaged well and are easy to open. They are an absolute bargain at only 99p, and I would definitely recommend everyone to try them
Amazingly moreish. Great flavour and they don’t stick to your teeth! Definitely one of my favourite sweets to buy! You get a good amount of them in a packet too. 10/10.
A firm favourite!
I always love a swizzles product and I was not dissapointed when I tried these! They taste very good and it's a struggle to put the packet down after eating a couple, you will end up wanting to eat more!
These are so tasty once you start the packet you won't be able to stop. Taste just like the lollies but without the chewyness so you don't need to pick out of your teeth.
These are so good, it’s simply impossible to stop eating them once you start. A top tier sweet!
My favourite sweets ever
I love these so much, I have to buy individual packets because if I buy a big back I'll eat them all and feel sick after. They're sweet and creamy and a perfect snack for movie time. My kids love them too, in fact I don't know anyone who doesn't love them.
Once you start eating them, you can't stop.
Swizzles Drumstick Squashies are incredibly delicious! One bite and you'll be reaching for the whole bag. Everyone in the family is a fan of these tasty treats!
Swizzles drumsticks squashies
Theses are really tasty nice a chewy and taste very fruity . Once u had one you want another
Don't open the bag.
I love these, I try not to buy as I eat in one sitting. Chewy and soft. What not to like.
Drumstick squishies
These are my favourite and they are very moreish and the original flavour is tasty but my favourite flavour is the bubblegum flavour and I would highly recommend this product to anyone
I love these sweets so much, super soft and delicious. I have tired lots of their flavours, but these are my favourite!
One of the best sweets
Squashies are one of the best sweets by swizzels. I love the variety of different sweets they have too.
Nice taste
I love sweets, this one suits my taste, my kids love it too
My Favourite Sweet
My all time favourite sweet, love the flavours of strawberry and milk together and the soft texture is really nice. Always my go to pick and would definetly get again.
My favourite
Absolutely love these sweets, soft and very morish, a little expensive tho, so it's a treat

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