Listerine Smart Rinse Mouthwash Mild Berry for Kids 6+

4.7 5 0 170 170 Listerine® Smart Rinse® is a fluoride mouthwash that helps protect your child's teeth against cavities when used twice daily after brushing. Contains Fluoride, which strengthens teeth and reduces cavities by up to 40% more than brushing alone. Fights bad bacteria, a major cause of plaque and gum disease. Goes around the whole mouth, reaching teeth, gums and tongue. It attracts and tints the bits that brushing misses, showing your child the proof in the sink. Protection against cavities Cleans what brushing misses Fun & easy way to protect teeth Alcohol & sugar free mouthwash Does not contain alcohol
Listerine Smart Rinse Mouthwash Mild Berry for Kids 6+


Useful for kids
Kids like it and use it that's what matters
Fantastic for kids and adults alike
This is a great tasting mouthwash for kids, I enjoy useing it too, tastes amazing and keeps ur mouth clean
Great for the ones who are not keen on mint
My kids love this one over other ones available. Definitely recommend.
Very nice taste
This is so nice the taste is very different from normal but it’s still really nice
Excellent for kids
My two girls age 8 & 11 have been using this product for a few weeks and are very impressed. Both with flavour and ease. The spit out shows red dots where there is bacteria. Which proves that brushing alone doesn’t get rid of all bacteria.
Great for kids
We tried the mint version. My daughter has always had issues with not wanting to brush her teeth but this has changed that. She will now brush her teeth properly and then is excited to use this afterwards. She is very proud of herself when she gets no 'bits' which means she is trying harder to get all the parts. I would say that the first few days we struggled a little as she has sensory issues and it was 'too minty' but now she loves the taste, we just had to get her used to it.
Love it
My 7 year old loved this! Minty without the overly strong taste. Happy to have found a product he will use. Will definitely recommend to friends.
Kids loved it
The kids didn't really like the hoe strong the smell of berries was when we first opened the bottle, but they loved the taste of it and now use it everyday. I would totally recommend it.
Definitely recommend
Really impressed with this, even though it is suitable for kids I tried it first ;-) I love a crisp refreshing feeling after brushing my teeth so glad we had the minty flavour. I've found listerine to be quite overpowering in the past but they have really hit the sweet spot with this one - maybe because it's for kids? It's great for both morning and evening routine and even if you just want a quick freshen up! I have 2 boys, so lets say hygiene isn't top of their list, haha, BUT they were much happier to brush teeth with a mouthwash shot at the end lol. Will definitely continue to have this as a regular in our bathroom!
One my children finally like
My younger 2 kids have never been keen on minty mouthwashes but they love this Berry one they said it leaves a nice after taste unlike the minty ones and they were amazed how much more stuff they spat out after rinsing will defo be buying for the younger 2 thanks for letting us review.
my child loved this product, especially since the strawberry flavor is her favorite
Would highly recommend kids loved it, they said it didn't burn, win win all round :)
Great Mouthwash
Great mild flavoured mouthwash, leaves mouth feeling fresh & kids love it!
Great for my grandkids
Great mouthwash for little monsters teeth to make sure they are being brushed properly ..This helps a lot especially with the flavour no mint needed for children.Recommended
This is good for small aged children it helps and cleanses your breathe too

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