An economical pack, you can cut it to the size needed. Especially handy if it's a large cut or graze. Saves fiddling around with several plasters.
I keep a pack in my house and first aid kit in my car.
Yes I'd recommend it
Home Tester
40 Reviews
Home Tester
40 Reviews
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Great plaster, stickier than all others
This is the master of all plasters!
Expensive but far superior and stickier than all other brands. I have never had problems with these falling off.
Also great to be able to cut to the size you need, particulalrly for very small or very large cuts/ injuries.
Yes there are cheaper versions but why risk poor alternatives ? When you have an injury you can be reassured that this product absorbs blood & fluid, cushions over the painful part and sticks well. Then you can carry on with what you were doing. Even better, you can cut to the size you need. A first aid item everyone needs
used for the grandchildren to sooth the scratch , and I drew a smiling face on one too
Home Tester
5 Reviews
Home Tester
5 Reviews
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Good but difficult to cut
Good plaster but difficult to cut sometimes due to the nature of the material. But I like how you can cut to desired shape as usually I find the small plaster finish first and I’m lef with big ones only
Home Tester
104 Reviews
Home Tester
104 Reviews
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Beats standard plasters
Much more useful than a standard plaster, I always use these cut your own. They stick better too. Still usually needs replacing daily on my hands.
Aled (Peterborough)
Aled (Peterborough)
Maureen (Kilmarnock)
Maureen (Kilmarnock)
pamela (Caernarfon)
pamela (Caernarfon)
Richard (Eaton Bray)
Richard (Eaton Bray)
Teresa ()
Teresa ()
Lorraine (London)
Lorraine (London)
John (Glasgow)
John (Glasgow)
Ellen (Kings Worthy, Winchester)
Ellen (Kings Worthy, Winchester)
Mohammad (Birmingham)
Mohammad (Birmingham)
Poppy (Hampshire)
Poppy (Hampshire)
Karen (Wrexham)
Karen (Wrexham)