Colgate Sensitive Instant Relief Whitening Toothpaste

4.5 5 0 142 142 Colgate Sensitive Instant Relief Whitening Toothpaste starts blocking sensitivity pain instantly. With its unique pro-argin technology, this sensitive toothpaste will give you instant* relief from sensitivity as it helps to seal and repair the sensitive areas of your teeth**. What’s more, this toothpaste prevents sensitivity coming back*** by building a protective barrier that acts like a seal against sensitivity**. The toothpaste for sensitive teeth also has a low abrasive formula to gently remove stains to help restore the natural whiteness of your teeth, leaving you with a bright smile. Using this sensitive toothpaste continuously twice a day, will give you clinically proven lasting relief for 8 weeks**. *For instant relief, apply directly to the sensitive tooth with a fingertip and massage gently for 1 minute, up to twice a day and for children 6-12 years once a week or less frequently. **With continued use twice a day. ***With continued use 2x per day can help prevent sensitivity from coming back.
Colgate Sensitive Instant Relief Whitening Toothpaste


Great product helped with me sensitive teeth will definitely be buying this product again also noticed my teeth was whiter and brighter very happy with this product
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Helps sensitivity.
Once receiving this to toothpaste to test I was super impressed by the look and feel of it. Usually toothpaste tubes are very bendy and flexible where’s this is nice firm and smooth materiel and can stand up right in my bathroom cupboard. Iv used this just over a week now and the sensitivity in my teeth has improved massively. I was initially using a whiting toothpaste beforehand so I cannot comment on the whitening aspect for it. Overall a good toothpaste especially for sensitive teeth.
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Very pleased!
I suffer with sensitive teeth and avoid eating certain foods because of it (ice-cream, yogurts, anything cold!) but after using this toothpaste for the last few days I already notice a difference with sensitivity and can eat cold foods no problem! It has a fresh, minty taste and my teeth look slightly whiter so would reccomend!
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The Amazing results of this Toothpaste!
So I started using the Colgate Instant Relief Whitening Toothpaste around 5 days ago when it arrived and I can say I have definitely felt and seen improvements in just those days. First the sensitivity I get when brushing my teeth seemed to be disappearing by the 2nd of using this product and now by the 5th day I don’t seem to be sensitive at all. But I am mostly impressed with the whitening side of this, it really has shown results just after 4-5 days. I have used many whitening products and none have ever done a job this well, I can definitely say my teeth are already looking whiter just from using this toothpaste for the last 5 days.
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Value brands can be just as good.
Doesn't perform any better than a supermarket value brand. The packaging looks more expensive but I don't clean my teeth with the tube. Genuinely disappointed with the product.
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I have only been using this toothpaste for 5 days and already feel a difference,it really soothes sensitive teeth and I will certainly carry on using it,great taste too, highly recommended.
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I liked this product and I an going to switch from my regular toothpaste to Colgate as it reduced my sensitivity and reduced staining.
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This toothpaste is brilliant. It immediately started reducing my sensitivity from the first use. The taste is pleasant and not strong. My teeth feel so much better since using this. I no longer wince when drinking cold drinks! I would definitely recommend it to people that suffer with sensitivity, i had severe sensitivity and it’s reduced it completely!
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Nice product to use
Tastes good and has had eased sensitivity from a missing crown! Seems to clear tobacco stains well
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Far superior to any other!
I've been having trouble with my teeth recently so this test arrived at the perfect time for me! The packaging is perfect! The product itself is fantastic, it tastes great, not bland like some other sensitive toothpastes, it's very pleasant and refreshing! The sensitivity relief was almost instant, I found I could drink and eat better, I'd not eaten or drank properly in weeks, so for the first time I could enjoy food! I also noticed some slight lifting of stains on my teeth, bearing in mind I'm a smoker and I drink lots of coffee! Overall, I absolutely loved this toothpaste and I will certainly purchase in future! I highly recommend!
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Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste
I really like the Colgate Sensitive Instant Relief Whitening Toothpaste, good taste and feeling of freshness following brushing. I will buy this and use again.
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Sensitive toothpaste that whitens teeth
All of the packaging seemed environmentally friendly which can be rare at times for toothpaste. It had a mild taste so definitely a win for those with more sensitive teeth, testing it in the unnaturally cold temperatures was a good test in how it protects the enamel. I could see my teeth gradually getting whiter with every use, alongside my Colgate Max White Expert Mouthwash, my teeth haven’t looked this white and felt so clean in a while. At least I know it’s a toothpaste I can use if I find it in the shops.
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I have been using this toothpaste now for a few day's I have noticed my teeth are whiter and less sensitive and also makes your mouth feeling fresh after using it . I would reccomend buying this toothpaste .
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Unfortunately caused more problems
My experience with this product wasn't a particularly good one and I had to stop using it early (five days testing). The first thought was the odd gel texture, it felt very odd in the mouth but I decided to ignore that and see what it was like in use. I didn't like the odd feel it left on my teeth although I was expecting a film like protective barrier. Now the sensitivity did subside when using but it cause other problems, two days in I started getting an odd metallic taste and the outer corners of my lips started to becoming red and sore. I continued to use it thinking it had nothing to do with the toothpaste but it got a little worse and the roof of my mouth started getting sore as well and at that point I stopped using it and went back to my original toothpaste and the soreness and odd taste disappeared over the next few days. I can't comment much on the whitening element of the product as I was unable to use it for long enough, it seemed to work but very subtly.
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Excellent, fresh, clean calm feeling
I loved trialing Colgate sensitive instant whitening toothpaste, as I have very sensitive teeth and gums. Fresh tasting, fresh feeling clean teeth. Would rub it on my gums also at nights before bedtime for overnight calmness of gums. Would highly recommend to family, friends and it will definitely be on my'to buy list'. Thank you for choosing me.
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