Colgate Max White Expert Anti-Stain Whitening Toothpaste 75ml

4.5 5 0 107 107 Colgate Expert Anti-Stain is our best whitening toothpaste, professionally designed to reverse years of yellowing whilst also significantly removing dark stains on teeth*; caused by soda, tea and red wine. Its unique dual-action formula contains the same whitening ingredient that dentists use to remove deep-set stains and dark surface stains for up to three shades whiter teeth**. It's your secret weapon to a winning smile. *caused by food and drink, with daily use **Clinical test on 77 people after 8 weeks of use
Colgate Max White Expert Anti-Stain Whitening Toothpaste 75ml


Brightens Rather Than Whitens
I've always wanted to try a whitening toothpaste! The packaging looks like a professional, high quality product and the tube is easy to squeeze. I used an inch of the vivid blue paste and it foamed up adequately so I think it will last a while. I did feel a bit bad brushing with it though, as it has a gritty texture that I'm not sure was damaging my teeth or not. But after, my teeth felt very fresh, clean and smooth and I had a pleasant, quite mild minty aftertaste that lasted well. But I do wish the mint was a bit stronger! As for whitening, it sort of brightened rather than whitened my teeth but any stain removal wasn't that noticeable. But it does mention a 'stain prevention system' so hopefully it will stop them getting worse! Overall, this looks like an expert product but as of yet, hasn't really lived up to the name. I might not use it every day as I don't know how abrasive it is but it's worth trying for a little while longer to see if it can remove those stubborn stains.
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Good for stains
Great at cleaning but I hadn’t noticed a lot of difference in the colour of my teeth at whitening ! It is good at cleaning stains though and I’m a tea lover, i like to brush my teeth after my cups of tea to prevent stain build up ! Than
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Fab toothpaste - noticeably whiter
Didn't think it would work, but after a couple of weeks my teeth are noticeably whiter and brighter. As a coffee drinker this makes me very happy. The toothpaste kicks in with a warm buzz when you brush your teeth so you know it's working.Will definitely keep getting this toothpaste to keep my teeth looking shiny!
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Great taste and does the job!
I’ve really enjoyed using this toothpaste, it tastes great and leaves your teeth feeling clean and mouth feeling fresh.
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happy to be choosen to trial it
I have used it few times already. Didn't noticed big difference comparing to other toothpaste. I was expecting that my teeth will be brighter but as it said on packaging it will take up to 8 weeks till your tooth will be brighter so the survey should be done at least after finishing the sample to be able to say more about it.
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Fantastic Toohpaste
The Colgate Max White Anti Stain Toohpaste is an excellent toothpaste with a refreshing minty taste. After using for only a few days can see a significant difference, I didn't have much of an expectation however very impressed with the results. Will be looking to swap from my usual brand. Certainly recommend.
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Brighter teeth
This toothpaste is very bright blue during use. It has a nice minty taste. I really do feel it is making my teeth brighter and more shiny. Years of tea drinking has left a yellow staining. I will continue to use in hope of continuing to see results and more whitening. I do however appear to get some sensitivity using it that I don't normally experience. I therefore use it for a couple of days and then take a break and go back to it. I am impressed so far.
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Comes packaged in a box which makes it look expensive, the toothpaste is bright blue and foams really well, cleans well and tastes good. Have not been using long enough to notice a whitening improvement
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Whiting toothpaste
I didn't notice a result with the first few uses but after using it for a couple days I noticed a difference in whiteness. The taste of the toothpaste was also quite refreshing.
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Tatsy Clean!
I am really enjoying using Colgate Max White Anti-Stain Whitening Toothpaste, though it is only a few days in but amazing! On looking at the packaging it immediately gave me an elegant and premium look, so I know I was going to get some amazing results from using the product. The toothpaste so far is great, crystal blue with the right amount of minty freshness that you will expect. After brushing, my mouth feels clean and fresh, and have noticed some shiny difference to my teeth after brushing but this is still early days.
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Great toothpaste
It was great. I have two stains on the front of my teeth, and i instantly noticed a difference in that area. I also like how it had fluoride, i tend to notice whitening products contain less. No irritation at all. And the smell isn't too overpowering, which i like.
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Great product, exactly what I require
Great product in good quality packaging, appealing to the eye. The taste was good, it definitely has improved the whiteness of my teeth slights, the only downfall may be the price of the product. However, that being said I am enjoying using it and would definitely be interested in buying it in the future.
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Colgate whitening always comes number 1
I always use Colgate toothpaste and get compliments of how white my teeth are but this specific product is great. Mouth feels clean and fresh and my teeth are left looking white.
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Better than other products
Used for 1 week and results are ok. Not really good but I think with regular use the results will be good. I will definitely buy these myself and continue further.
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I love the toothpaste makes a difference
I really like the product it does what it says and reduces staining while keeping the mouth and teeth fresh and clean
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