“OPI Classic” Nail Envy® Nail Strengthener

4.6 5 0 32 32
“OPI Classic” Nail Envy® Nail Strengthener


Great product
Tried this product and was surprised how quick it showed results as I usually have weak nails and breakages on the sides Of my nails but this product has made them stronger and less flimsy
  • Home Tested with free product
This is a brilliant nail strengthened! Goes on quick and without streaks, has very high shine/ gloss finish and lasts despite me using alcohol disinfecting gel about 20 times a day!
  • Home Tested with free product
Top Quality Product
Fantastic product, works exactly how it’s described, would definitely buy it again, it’s quick and easy to apply and is not sticky afterwards.
  • Home Tested with free product
True to the OPI brand
OPI is a great brand, and this nail strengthener is absolutely living up to it's reputation. My nails ar an absolute mess, they are thin and no nail varnish stays on it for more than 24 hours, this serum made it a bit harder and less brittle. I appreciate little wins
For me anything made by OPI is going to be fabulous!! I’ve been using this and other OPI products for years and I simply can’t fault them!
Positively effective.
I have used OPI nail products for many years and as per usual this one does not disappoint. Fabulous strong healthy nails!!
OPI Nail Strengthener
I have tried this product and as with all OPI products I was very satisfied with it to strengthen my nails
Чудесен продукт 100%
Чудесен продукт , има много добра плътност и не вреди на плочката на нокътя . Препоръчвам го 100% бих го закупила отново ,след като използвам тази опаковка .
Strong Nails
The only product I would use to strengthen my nails, first tried it from a well known shopping channel on offer and haven’t looked back. I wonder if they have a matte finish which would be perfect for men.
This nail polish is great when applied. My nail technician recommended it to me. It is quick drying and long lasting. It does not chip after long application. I would definitely be recommending it to my fry.
Good coverage
A good nail strengthening treatment. I use it alone, for a clear gloss finish
Highly effective
This has to be one of the best strengthening products I’ve used to date! It’s a great consistency and easy to apply and dries reasonably quick too. It can be used alone or along with a colour polish. An absolute effective life saver.
Great product
Fantastic product stays on my nails for at least 10 days
Great product!
This has been great for strengthening my nails, and I’ve noticed a big difference in them being stronger since using this!
My most favourite nail strengthener! 1. it actually works and 2. It has a lovely natural colour!

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