The Natural Chip Co Potato Chips - Honey Soy Chicken
The Natural Chip Co Potato Chips - Honey Soy Chicken
55022100% natural made with real ingredients and real flavour (including Soy and Chicken) to make great tasting chips. No artificial colours, flavours, or added preservatives, and gluten free!
The Natural Chip Co Potato Chips - Honey Soy Chicken
5.0 from
The Natural Chip Co Potato Chips - Honey Soy Chicken
100% natural made with real ingredients and real flavour (including Soy and Chicken) to make great tasting chips. No artificial colours, flavours, or added preservatives, and gluten free!
100% natural made with real ingredients and real flavour (including Soy and Chicken) to make great tasting chips. No artificial colours, flavours, or added preservatives, and gluten free!
The snacks are really delicious, I really like the taste, really good for accompanying me when I break my fast too, I usually take it to work to take a break at work
Home Tester Pro
578 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
578 Reviews
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Perfect for me
I love to snack and I can’t resist anything potato. I can eat this with a peace of mind as it’s 100% natural made with real ingredients and real flavour (including Soy and Chicken). Best of all is no artificial colours, flavours, or added preservatives, and gluten free!
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