San Remo La Pasta Carbonara

4.3 5 0 4 4 Quick and delicious premium pasta that jazz up any meal. Prepare it on the stovetop or microwave, and enjoy tasty carbonara in just 8 minutes.
San Remo La Pasta Carbonara


San Remo La Pasta Carbonara
My Family and friend love San Remo La Pasta Carbonara .. so delicious and tasty .. Everyone in the family love it.
San Remo La Pasta Carbonara
A good and feeling back-up snack. Easy to cook although qty more likely meant for 1 to 2 persons. price is reasonable. Good to have in your home as a last min pasta craving. easy to cook
Easy to cook
I like this packet of carbonara. It's easy and fast to whip up a meal. Simply add in fresh milk, whatever ingredients that you like and viola!

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