Persil Power Gel

4.8 5 0 91 91
Persil Power Gel


أنه مميز وينظف ويعطي رائحه جذابه وينعش الملابس ويعطيها قوة للنسيج
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Using it since 6 years . Love every version of it. Effective cleaning, protects color, fresh feel in the garments Its more effective than the powder detergents
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Removed all tough stains from my clothes ,increased the life of the fabric ,Renewed the colour and fabric, made it look new again, I have used it for all my clothes and I can say it has better performance than powders . Persil gel goes well with my automatic washing machine, It is pretty well as hand wash for party dresses .just soak and it does its work like magic .highly recommended
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كان جميل جدا ومميز جدا 1) تجديد اللون والنسيج، 2) جعلها تبدو جديدة مرة أخرى، 3) يستخدم للعبايات والملابس العادية، 4) لديه أداء أفضل من المساحيق.
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Persil power gel is great. Because unlike when I'm using the powder it leaves some powder in my clothes that did not dissolved. And it makes my colored clothes like their are white patches on the cloth. Unlike Persil power gel it does not leaves this white patches and my colored clothes looks brighter and it smells good and I don't use this fabric conditioner anymore. And even after many washing the colors does not fade. And it's smell nice.
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سهل الاستخدام ومريح في ازاله البقع و يجعل الملابس منعشه
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Persil maintains the color of the fabric and does not let it go dull. It washes the clothes clean and fresh. Ofcourse better than powders, as there is no fear/trouble of residues leftover on the cloth.
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برسيل باور جل جيد جداً ورائحته جميلة. فهو يزيل أصعب البقع ويعطي عطراً يدوم طويلاً. أعجبني ذلك. Persil power gel is very good and smell nice. It removes the toughest stains and give long lasting fragnance .I liked that.
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Decided to buy and try out Persil Power Gel! I’ve been tired of using washing powders for a while so i decided to swipe it out for this and i am extremely impressed. Not only does this remove the toughest stains that washing powder always fails to, but, it also leaves a fresh and long-lasting fragrance on your clothes! You also use muchhh less product than you would with a powder. Im glad i made the switch قررت ان اشتري و اجرب برسيل باور جيل ، لانني تعبت من استخدام الوشين باور لفتره فقررت ابدلو ولقد انبهرت كثيرا . انه يقوم بالتنظيف التصبغات التي يفشل في تنظيفها الباور وشينق انه يترك رائحه ذكيه في الملابس لفتره تستطيع ايضا التوفير لانو لا يتطلب استخدام كميه كبيره انا مسروره جدا انني قمت بتغير المنتج
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Love it more economical also than washing powder.after using it u don't need to use washing Comforter also
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I have been using Persil powder before and after I compared the efficiency of powder with the gel ,I found out the gel to be more powerful in cleaning and the amount of gel used per load of laundry is way less than the powder used hence in the long run, persil gel will last longer .cherry on the top is the long lasting clean scent of the gel that didn't used to come with powder alone.
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It’s good liquid gel for all type of clothes . Good for washing machine and for clothes too
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I have received Persil Power Gel. I have tried it and get the best Results. It removes more stains than powder detergent and didn't leave any residue behind. Also loved the smell .Thank you for this amazing product.
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It was a very good product and the smell is amazing. I was surprised as the previous one few isn't high as well so it is a good product to buy.
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منتج جيد لغسيل الملابس خاصة الملونة التي أخشى أن تفقد لونها ورائحته جيدة
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