Anchor Milk Powder

4.8 5 0 110 110
Anchor Milk Powder


Overall the milk powder quality is excellent with good, taste, texture and consistency...better for kids also
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It’s good. Creamy and tastes great. My 5 years old usually don’t like powder milk, but he loved it.
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Anchor powder milk has good and creamy texture and tasty as well. My kids love to have it regularly.
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كان طعمه جميل ومذاقه مميز وقوامه مناسب ولونه مناسب
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لقد اعجبني جدا أنه بديل مناسب وسهل الاستخدام للحليب الطبيعي طعمه مميز جدا وغني ومفيد لصحة الاطفال والكبار ولا يسبب تكتل أثناء الذوبان
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انه جيد جدا ويذوب في الماء ولا يترك اي كتل وطعمه رائع
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As soon as I opened the can, the texture of it was thick and very light at the same time. I added some to my tea and it tasted so creamy and delicious.
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Anchor milk powder is very delicious I used it to make a dessert and it turned out really good..
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Good texture,smell and taste . Used in drinks and sweets other than milk itself.
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I love the anchor powder milk full fat and consistency is good . Anchor milk is amazing .my kids were appreciated it
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Anchor milk powder contains calcium , vitamin and minerals that are needed by us on daily basis. It’s not too sweet and not too bland. The taste is perfect . My kids love it. I also use it in my tea and it makes a perfectly delicious tea for me. It’s a mandatory part of my grocery now.
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It taste good its creamy and i can use it in making milk desserts also. I am already using anchor evaporated milk so its also go go for me
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It’s an amazing milk powder good for desserts, tea and drink.
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I just love have it with my dresert and with my coffee and even for my kids as well they just love having it
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My son love milk made with Anchor milk powder . He feels energetic after drinking it .its Texture is nice he even likes to taste the dry powder. My son says 'Milk tastes yummy'.we even made dessert using it ,it came out delicious .this one is better than other milk powders in taste as well as dissolves quickly in water compared to others which form lumps . We highly recommend the Anchor Full Cream Milk Powder to family and friends and even ready to purchase it .
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