UFC Golden Fiesta Canola Oil

4.9 5 0 36 36 Our premium line of Golden Fiesta Premium Oils contains phytosterols that protect your heart from disease and lower cholesterol by up to 15% with proper exercise and diet.
UFC Golden Fiesta Canola Oil


We've been using this product ever since and I can say that this is safe product and the quality is superb.
Healthy but Pricey
This product is very healthy it is organic and no used preservatives. But this is really pricey but for sure your health wont compromise.
Perfect for anything
From packaging to its content, it is pretty good. The oil can be reused so you can save and it doesn't have an after taste so it is perfect for any type of dishes.
Your cooking partner
This is one of our choices of cooking oil. Golden Fiesta lives up to its promise that it will stay golden after several usage (but of course it depends on what you fry). Good for frying almost everything. Worth your money.
My kind of oil
UFC Golden Fiesta Canola oil is great for cooking and frying. Egg, fish, meats, chicken and also for panggisa. It is less greasy and there is no after taste.
Cheaper alternative for healthy life
We all know how expensive "healthy" oils such as olive oils, right? So this one's a good alternative to it. I'm not saying it has equal benefits to olive oil but this product is relatively healthier than the generic vegetable oils. In terms of frying and cooking capabilities, it does its job well! So, in order to save some money, I use this generally for frying and save up the olivr oil for pasta and salad.

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